Posts Tagged ‘pod’


Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

black cat snuggled up in snowflake print bedsheets

the view when I came to bed

This cat came to me in November of 2008, two weeks after Halloween*. One of my design clients found him outside her office, took him to the vet for tests, and then started driving to my apartment before she thought to call me and make sure I wanted a kitten. His full name is Pteropodidae, the family name for fruit bats, because of the giant ears. He is of the cat clan McFucker, always getting into things and perpetrating fuckery on my other cat, Belladonna. If you’re a cat person, you know the type.

Pod’s nicknames are legion, including Poddles, Poddleston, Poddington, Podsworth, Podling, Butthead, Stinkerbelle. He’s got sleek, silky fur that makes excellent hairballs, and the skinniest tail I’ve ever seen on a furry cat. He’s never found a dairy product he doesn’t like, and he’s very vocal if he thinks he hasn’t had enough cheese today.** He’s the one that cuddles up to me in the night, so I wake up to find he’s made himself the little spoon, all snuggled up in the curl of my body. He will tuck himself into the bed for his afternoon nap in protest of inclement weather, which is what he was doing when I took the above photo.

Below, you can see him on the first day he was here. It took him all of an hour to start drinking out of my water glass, because he is a fucker. But I love him, and he’s good*** for Belladonna, who is grumpier but less tubby since she got someone to chase irritably around the apartment.

black cat about to drink out of a blue glass of water

just look at those ears

* we’re pretty sure he was someone’s unwanted Halloween present, he was very tame and the vet said he seemed abandoned and starving rather than feral

** there is no such thing as enough cheese

*** for certain values of good

Categories: Words Words Words
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Lucky Podsworth

Friday, September 13th, 2013

Lucky Podsworth by Amy Crook

Lucky Podsworth by Amy Crook

It’s Friday the 13th, and Pod wanted to have his portrait painted, from his tentacle tail to his pink jellybean toes. He’s feeling very elegant and refined here, so clearly I’ve taken liberties.

I put him on a card with the message, “Make Your Own Luck.” I felt like in this picture he was saying something rather superior, so you can add whatever tone pleases you.

Make Your Own Luck greeting card by Amy Crook at Etsy

Make Your Own Luck greeting card by Amy Crook at Etsy

Categories: Card Design, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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Kitties Visit Baker St.

Monday, November 7th, 2011

Kitties Visit Baker St. cartoon by Amy Crook

Kitties Visit Baker St. cartoon by Amy Crook

This little commission was done for a request of John & Sherlock playing with my kitties, so Belladonna (left) and Pteropodidae (right) go to take a little trip to Baker Street. Bella’s fully recovered from her tooth drama, and has found John a comfy, warm place to look annoyed about being petted. Sherlock has, predictably, decided to experiment with Pod and a laser pointer (he also refuses to call Pod by anything other than his full name).

All in all it was fun do draw cartoon versions of my kitties, and of course I always enjoy John & Sherlock.

Kitties Visit Baker St., 7″x5″ pen and ink on paper, not for sale, commission.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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Friday, May 13th, 2011

Sharpie Poddleston cartoon by Amy Crook

Poddleston by Amy Crook

It’s Friday the 13th, so I thought I’d celebrate with a cartoon of my very own black cat. This doesn’t really look like him per se, but it shares some important features — big ears, wacky tail, and smirky face. His real name is Pod (short for Pteropodidae, the family name for fruit bats), but Poddleston is one of the many nicknames he goes by. I scribbled this up with Sharpie marker, while the real Pod was off somewhere making trouble.

Or napping. Champion nappers, my cats. They could totally nap for nationals.

Categories: Daily Art, Whimsical and Strange
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