Posts Tagged ‘pun’

Oh, the Huge Manatee!

Sunday, May 8th, 2016

Oh, the Huge Manatee! art by Amy Crook

Oh, the Huge Manatee!, 8″x8″ watercolor on Fluid watercolor paper

This blobbily manatee is utterly unimpressed with the pun accompanying it, but still quite adorable. It looms in a friendly fashion, chilling in its spotlight.

You could hang this up anywhere you wanted a smile — a child’s room, an office space, or somewhere you do creative work. The paint is a muted mix of teal and granulated black that will add a touch of watery coolness to your space.

Oh, the Huge Manatee!, detail, by Amy Crook

Oh, the Huge Manatee!, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see this manatee’s adorable little face, and below you can enjoy how handsome it is swimming in its frame.

Oh, the Huge Manatee!, framed art by Amy Crook

Oh, the Huge Manatee!, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Floating Gallery, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Whimsical and Strange
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