The Winds of Change are Blowing
Monday, August 12th, 2013
My wonderful Starship Commodore Tara Swiger is doing an Exploration Party on her blog, and the timing couldn’t be more perfect. I’m about to embark on a big exploration here at Antemortem Arts.
I’m exploring a less daily way of giving you art.
The blog is going to be the first thing to change, from daily art posts to less frequent and more blog-like posts. I’ll be showing you all the new Etsy swag as usual, but I’m also going to start writing more about my own enthusiasms, and posting more works in progress. I do so much work that centers in one way or another around what I’m reading, watching and fangirling that I want to share some of that excitement with you.
But yes, this means that Tentacle Tuesdays are no more. Sorry, Gonzo.
The current Art Shop is closing on August 31.
The big art shop with ALL the things in it will be closing at the end of this month. If there’s something you’ve been coveting, now is the time to find room in your budget or arrange a payment plan.
There won’t be any more new art for sale posted during the rest of August, though you’ll still get to see the finished pieces others have commissioned. Actually, there won’t be any more individual art sale posts on the blog at all.
Something wicked this way comes…
Well, not really wicked. Or at least any more wicked than usual.
On the 1st of each month, starting in September, I’ll make a big post of the new art from the previous month. You’ll be able to arrange a payment plan for the piece of art you love most, or buy it outright because you’re just that awesome. I’ll also throw a few select older pieces into the mix, at least at first. It might take me a few months to get the rhythm and flow of it right, but that’s what makes it an exploration.
After Amy-bedtime on the 8th, the “show” will close and I’ll go back to making art and doing commissions and client work, and getting things all ready for the next month. When things re-open on the first, it’ll be an entirely new mix of art, whatever I was inspired to make in the month prior.
If you’re already on my email list, you’ll get a preview a few days early, including the chance to call dibs on things before they go up on the blog.
I’m exploring new email stuff, too.
You can read more about it and sign up here, but here’s the basic gist:
- The old Daily Art emails will be renamed and continue to give you the blog posts, they just won’t be the same thing that you’re used to.
- The Art Patron’s list will give you the inside scoop on what’s new, as well as little private tidbits of info no one else gets.
- The Etsy Customer’s list will be just for those people who want to know about new cards, prints and swag coming out in the Etsy shop, plus coupon codes.
Amy’s still not dead yet on Etsy.
You can still buy cards, prints, and other such swag all month long.
I’m going to do some cleaning up here, too, by retiring some of the old designs next month to make room for the new holiday cards and generally freshen up the place. You’ll get to see new stuff, too — I’m exploring some ideas for new kinds of swag, and even a new coloring book.
It’s a whole new world!
And now that I’ve earwormed you, I hope you’ll come along with me on this new adventure, looking forward to future art and fannish squee. I’m always happy to hear what you think about things, either as blog comments or by email.
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4 Responses to “The Winds of Change are Blowing”

Well, now I’m going to be singing like Ariel all thanks for that!
You know I love this new way of offering art – I think it’s going to be easier for your raving fans to spot what they want and make a decision!
Thanks for partying!
Well, this is a very interesting exploration. I will have to think on this idea of online gallery show a bit. Sounds fun.
Thanks for sharing!
xx Kate
Don’t you mean singing like Aladdin? 😉
I’ve got high hopes that this will help make things easier for me and them. Thanks for the invite to explore!
Thanks, Kate! I’m interested to see how it all works out, myself.