State of the Kitties: 2017
Thursday, January 5th, 2017

Belladonna in a Master-level catnap yoga pose
As we move out of the trash year that was 2016, I know there is one important question on everyone’s minds: how are the cats of the world?
Belladonna is going to be 15 (!!) this spring, and while she’s thin and arthritic and grumpy, she’s still pretty spry and loves her heated cat bed. I need to take her in for an old lady vet checkup pretty soon, and we’ve installed cat stairs around to avoid too much leaping, but all in all she does pretty well. Also, since she’s so old, she is constantly spoiled rotten by both myself and roomie — she gets lots of extra treats and has graduated to yelling at us until someone turns on the faucet for her majesty to drink fresh water.
Her other current fave is her catnip dental treats, which you can help provide by supporting her human slave.

Pteropodidae (aka Pod), on the other hand, is hitting kitty middle age and getting the spread. He turned 8 this past autumn, and is getting quite the bodacious kitty bod going. I’m making a bit of an effort to give him more murder baby enrichment time with The Great Red Dot and the fuzzy snake, but overall I admit I kind of like his softer, lazier side. Even if he does sometimes make me go ‘oof’ when stepping on my tummy.
Podling definitely has the whole “cats are liquid and control their own gravity” thing going, especially when he doesn’t want to be picked up.
Podzilla would like you to buy something from the Etsy Shop so he can get a new cat tree from which to survey his domain.
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