Podzilla & Bellaboo: state of the kitties
Thursday, January 11th, 2018
As we all know, excellent cats are a crucial component of your artist’s mental health and happiness. I’m happy to report that both kitties also survived 2017!
Belladonna is a grumpy old lady, going on 16 years this spring. She’s got some arthritis and other senior cat health issues, but 10 minutes before this picture was taken she was zooming around the apartment like a kitten, so clearly she’s still doing pretty well. We’re saving up to take her to the vet for another elder pet check-up, which involves a $250 blood test, so feel free to contribute to her wellness in any way you like.
She’s very cuddly when she wants to be, and spends a lot of time sleeping on her heated cat bed. She’s started draping herself over the back of my loveseat and onto my shoulder to demand petting, and because she’s 16 she gets what she wants. Frankly, when I’m that old, I hope someone spoils me half as well.
Pod is a mere 9 this past fall, and has moved into his middle age with extra bonus naps and a bit of bodaciousness in the back end. He’s also doubled down on his tendency to tuck himself into a purrito, so I always have to check blankets before I move or sit on them now.
When not sleeping underneath, he’s a spot-stealing little jerkface. He’s also due for a checkup and claw clipping, but it’s going to be a normal, reasonable amount of money since he’s not yet at the old man stage. Since he’s already spoiled enough that he gets to sleep all day and then for a change of pace sleep all night, I’m not sure much will change for him when he officially hits old age.
If you want to keep up with them during the rest of the year (and see what I’m working on, art-wise), you can follow me on Instagram for regular doses of spoiled kitties.
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Categories: Words Words Words
Tags: bella, belladonna, pod