State of the Kitties 2019
Thursday, January 3rd, 2019
Belladonna and Podsworth are both still with me! She has lost a lot of weight because of her hyperthyroidism but is hanging on by sheer force of will (and meds). He has gained weight due to middle-aged spread, and also eating her diet. He’s about 2.5 times her weight now, and while it’s not super obvious at first glance, you can sure feel the difference picking them up. Oof.
Belladonna is 16 and a half now, and taking advantage of every single bit of spoiling that allows her. She’s got heating pads, cat stairs, wet food, broth, beef baby food, and she’s still an angry little waffle demanding I turn the faucet on for her to drink from. On the other hand, she sleeps on my chest sometimes and is smol and floof and I will miss her terribly when she finally shrinks to nothingness. She’s 30% tail and 70% grumpy, but still very pretty and lovable!
Podzilla there is in my spot, the little jerkface. He’s hit 10 which makes him officially also an elderly cat, but aside from the chonkification he’s pretty much the same as ever. He loves three things in life, cheese, feet, and pets. He’s currently asleep on my feet, because I was fidgeting too much to keep petting him when he was trying to sleep on my tummy. Both of them have deep resentment of my laptop and smartphone and would like to put in an op ed to the NYT except they aren’t allowed to use the computer. Woe.
Happy New Year from Thing One and Thing Two!
Santa says Ho Ho Ho but Bellaboo says No No No. For the record, the offending ribbon has been banished to someone’s holiday gift, and neither one of them was willing to wear it longer than the photo.
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Tags: belladonna, pod, words