Batik Pattern
Saturday, July 16th, 2011

Batik pattern by Amy Crook
Busy busy busy! I’m on a deadline, so I haven’t had time to get something scanned for today.
This is a batik-like pattern I created that never got used — you can see it repeating on a page here. I used Illustrator to make the shapes and get it to repeat cleanly.
It’d make a pretty neat fabric, I suppose, not that there’s not a ton of things just like it out there already, heh.
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Categories: Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes
Tags: batik, green, illustrator, nfs, pattern

2 Responses to “Batik Pattern”

I really like that! Is it free for use?
It’s got the same CC license (Attribution-No Commercial-No Derivative Works) as everything else, yep! 🙂