Random Recipe: Lentil Stew
Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
This isn’t really a detailed recipe so much as an outline of a recipe that you can fill in with whatever flavours you like. So far I’ve made a nice spicy curry, a lovely sage and oregano version, and a delicious sweet-savory Moroccan spiced stew.
As a disclaimer, I’ve been making and eating this mainly for the nutrition, so this is specifically an easy, cheap recipe that I can give variety to, freezes well, and is high in iron.
I have no idea how veggie-friendly it is, though I would assume very. I use meat to add protein and flavor, and I assume someone who didn’t eat meat would have something else they use for that purpose. Also, there are no onions in it because I hate onions, but you do what you like.
The Basic Ingredients
- 1 lb lentils
- 1 lb baby carrots, chopped
- 1 lb meat (I’ve used rotisserie chicken, ground turkey, and ground beef so far)
- 1 package frozen spinach (yes frozen you whiner, you’re cooking it anyway, but thaw before adding)
- broth & water in whatever mixture makes you happy
- salt, herbs, spices, and other flavor components
Brown the meat if it needs it, then add the carrots, lentils, flavorings, and broth/water. I found that about half and half made a nice rich soup without overwhelming whatever I was making with the broth. I used the instructions on the lentil package for how much liquid (and then added more for the carrots etc) and how long to cook everything.
I add the spinach near the end so it stays as happy little green highlights without dissolving into the broth, but still gets hot.
I serve this over brown rice when I’m feeling virtuous, or white rice when I’m not. It’s very filling, and as tasty as you make it. However salty it tastes in the pot, btw, the rice will suck a lot of that away, so I always end up taking a bit of extra salt to the table to make up for it.
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