Posts Tagged ‘pencil’

Cartoon Sherlock & John

Friday, February 4th, 2011

Cartoon Sherlock & John by Amy Crook

Cartoon Sherlock & John by Amy Crook

I think we all need to accept right now that, for the next while, whenever I’m not sure what to draw for an art post, it’ll be characters from the BBC’s Sherlock. (Also that I’m a serial comma abuser.)

This was done last night about midnight on my teeny tiny bedside sketchbook, as an experiment with drawing some cartoons that were a bit easier to pose than weebles but just as cute and cartoonish. Expect to see a revisit of these two doing ridiculous things in future posts. I just got some new Micron pens, and these seem like they’d be a perfect fit.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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John Watson

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

John Watson by Amy Crook

John Watson by Amy Crook

During the opening of the first episode of the BBC’s new Sherlock, there’s a scene of John Watson sitting, back straight, staring blankly out into the darkness of the room. I wanted to try to capture that moment here, and so I found some screencaps and drew up this rather detailed sketch.

It’s funny how many little details it takes to make a person recognizable — after the first draft, I scanned the sketch and laid it over the original screencap in Photoshop and looked at all the little places that needed to change. The curve of the nose and chin, the angle of the lines of the forehead, the placement of this shadow and that highlight — nothing big, but once I went through and made the changes, the drawing coalesced from ‘a random guy staring off into space’ and into what, at least to me, is recognizably John (as played by Martin Freeman).

I admit I cheated a little when I scanned him in the second time and gave him a much bigger expanse of space to stare aimlessly off into than he has in my sketchbook (not to mention cleaning up all the finger-smudges in the white). I wanted to give a sense of how the image was in the show, which was incredibly well-shot with gorgeous composition and cinematography throughout.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Super Cute Squid Sketch

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

Super Cute Squid sketch by Amy Crook

Super Cute Squid sketch by Amy Crook

This little cutie is an experiment in taking the cute squids I usually draw all the way to extra super awesomely cute. His chubby little tentacles and tiny, beadlike eyes just make me want to hug him!

You’ll probably see him again once I’ve taken the time to finish him, maybe as vector art rather than by hand, just for variety.

Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Tentacles, Works In Progress
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Sherlock Sketch 3

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

Sherlock sketch 3 by Amy Crook

Sherlock sketch 3 by Amy Crook

This time I only allowed myself about 10 minutes to work on this sketch, so I spent a lot of it trying to bring out the unusual things about Sherlock aka Benedict Cumberbatch’s appearance. First, of curse I roughed in the basic shape, face and hair and that ridiculously long, well-postured neck of his, and then I concentrated on the unique shape of his mouth, the Cupid’s-bow upper lip and full, squarish lower lip. The eyes are his other most striking feature (well, after the cheekbones), and one of the hardest to capture. His nose got sort of roughed in and left there, I’m afraid, but it does all right.

I think the drawing would benefit from another five minutes, but the point of the exercise was to get something recognizable as the actor in a short amount of time, and I like to think I’ve succeeded.

Sherlock sketch 3, 2.67″x4″ pencil on notebook paper, nfs.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Sherlock sketch 2

Thursday, January 13th, 2011

Sherlock sketch 2 by Amy Crook

Sherlock sketch 2 by Amy Crook

After my first sketch of Sherlock from his new BBC Series, I decided to challenge myself to get the face right (or at least more right, heh) and do a potrait. I can still see that there’s something slightly off here even after erasing every single facial feature at least twice and redrawing it, but after 3 sessions of work on it I’m actually pretty happy with the result. It’s recognizably him, there’s just a few details that aren’t quite perfect.

I’ve been thinking that I need to spend time learning how to draw character faces with different expressions, not just the expressions but the faces themselves, as a lot of cartoon-style art involves drawing the same person over and over and making them look consistent, so expect to see more Sherlock and probably his incarnation of Dr John Watson as well.

And yes, I’m already working on the weebles. What, like you’re surprised?

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Sherlock BBC Sketch

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

Sherlock BBC, sketch 1, by Amy Crook

Sherlock BBC, sketch 1, by Amy Crook

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I took most of last week off here, just posting Frankenstein’s Monster on Weeble Wednesday, and otherwise relaxing and taking care of end-of-year things.

One of the things I did was watch one of my Christmas presents over and over, that being the new BBC series Sherlock. I really love the dialogue, and all the little references to the original Holmes, and the wonderful rapport between the two main actors. Also, I have a desperate, hopeless lust for the coat Sherlock wears — it’s everything I’ve longed for in a coat, except that it’s wool, so I couldn’t wear it even if I could afford one (it’s a very pricey designer brand from Britain, and last year’s line on top of that).

In honour of my newest fangirlish obsession, my first post of the new year is Sherlock Holmes, as re-imagined by the BBC in modern times. It’s not perfect, but it’s a good start — I’m sure I’ll do at least one or two more, and a couple of Dr. Watson as well. I have some Moleskines lying around that could be easily Holmes-ified.

Also coming up for the new year is another coloring book (with all-new art that’s very nearly done), weeble monster Valentines, the opportunity to be a Zombie, and a window full of art up in a local book shop for the month of February.

Happy New Year! What are you all up to for 2011?

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Weeble Wednesday: HP Weebles

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

HP Weebles by Amy Crook

HP Weebles by Amy Crook

This is one of the first refine weeble-style drawings I ever did, back a few years ago when I was just perfecting the style. It’s meant to be Kingsley Shacklebolt, Harry Potter & Charlie Weasley, with Kingsley and Charlie showing off their respective awesomenesses to a properly impressed Harry. I’ve always liked the way it came out, from the expressions to the adorable little dragonet. And you can see how these little guys developed into the weebles I draw today.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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