Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Gnome doodle by Amy Crook
I keep a little notebook of cheap blank paper by my bed, with a mechanical pencil stuck in the spiral binding. This is something I drew last night, while drinking Zen green tea liqueur, eating Mother’s lemon cookies, and listening to Naomi talk about marketing for artists. Go figure.
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Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, People, Figures and Faces
Tags: nfs, sketch

4 Responses to “Gnome”

Hi Amy–
Not that you asked, but I find your Gnome interesting on many levels, but I’ll offer 2 unsolicited observations(hope no unbrage taken)
–his hands appear to be bound behind his back
–there’s whimsy/hope present in the form of happy face in pocket.
Thanks for sharing!
In a way, I asked by posting!
– His hands are meant to be tucked in close at his sides, aka the artist is lazy and didn’t wanna draw them. 😉
– And yes, I wanted to show that the grumpy little gnome had a softer side by giving him a happy little pet.
Thank you for commenting!
He looks rather eager to me, rather than grumpy. I won’t speculate as to his hands, but I have my suspicions.
Clearly I need to put “be less lazy about hands” in my notes for future doodling. 😉