Well Met
Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

Well Met, tentacle painting by Amy Crook
Wiggly, wobbly tentacles spiral up from the bottom of this strangely iridescent mauve background, only to find another of their kind reaching down from above. There’s a certain Halloweenish whimsy to this piece that I find very appealing.
Well Met, 9″x7″ watercolor on watercolor paper.

Well Met, detail, by Amy Crook
Above, you can see a bit of the subtle shimmer of the iridescent background. Below, you can see the piece tucked neatly into an 8″x10″ frame.

Well Met, framed art by Amy Crook
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Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Tentacles, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: iridescent, nfs, pink, sold, tentacles, watercolor