That Thing You Love
Saturday, August 2nd, 2014
“Don’t let anyone tell you that the thing you love is a thing you can’t love.”
-Wil Wheaton
I created this piece as part of a gift for my awesome email list people, but I wanted to make the actual artwork available, too. Like any watercolor, there’s detail that gets lost in the print, plus it’s just awesome to know that yours is the one and only original.
This quote is from an impromptu, impassioned diatribe on “why it’s awesome to be a nerd” that Wil Wheaton gave when asked at a con for some advice for their baby girl to grow up geek, and it’s really good advice. The whole speech is pretty awesome, actually.
That Thing You Love, 9″x12″ pen & ink and watercolor on watercolor paper.

That Thing You Love, detail, by Amy Crook
Above, you can see the little cheesy ’70s sunrise face in the middle of the word ‘anyone,’ and below you can see the piece laying on my desk with my iPhone for size, because it turns out I don’t actually own a frame the right size. Oops.

That Thing You Love, calligraphic art by Amy Crook,
quote by Wil Wheaton
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Categories: Floating Gallery, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange, Words Words Words
Tags: calligraphy, for sale, pen and ink, watercolor, wil wheaton, word art