Posts Tagged ‘shark’
Bruce Fandango
Saturday, September 18th, 2010
This is one of my very first underwater paintings, painted as a wedding gift for some friends. He hangs in all his fierce glory in their living room to this day, though he never did get a frame.
We named him Bruce Fandango after the shark in Finding Nemo, and the silly Fandango commercials where they say, “Look out, rawr!” I mean, doesn’t that sort of seem like what he’s saying?
Bruce Fandango, 36″x24″ oil on canvas, not for sale.
Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals
Tags: nfs, oil painting, shark
Shrinky Dink Doodles
Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

Shrinky Dink Doodles by Amy Crook
A while back I picked up something quite nostalgic, a Klutz Press book for doing Shrinky Dinks. If you don’t know what those are, it’s a clear-ish plastic sheet that you draw on, then cut out shapes, put it in the oven, and watch it shrink down to a much smaller size. A childhood staple for me!
I was thinking of doing up some little charms for Etsy or just for myself, and I doodled up these half-dozen images for tracing with a sharpie onto the plastic. Then I could color them with sharpie or colored pencil, cut them out, and cook them in my little toaster oven. I’m sure I’ll get around to using some of the shrinky dink material someday, if only to amuse myself.
Got a favorite?
Categories: Daily Art
Tags: moon, nfs, shark, squid, sun, zombie
Commission: Mermaid
Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Mermaid by Amy Crook
In the fall of 2008, my friend Jeff commissioned me to paint a gift for his wife, for a combination 5th anniversary and Christmas present. It was an interesting challenge keeping it a secret for two months, but the moment of presentation was a smashing success!
We wanted to take into account as many of her favorite things as possible, so not only does it have the mermaid as a central theme, we added in the sunken pirate ship, and of course a shark or two.
24″x30″, oil on canvas, not for sale (commission)
Click through to see the process, which was thoroughly documented to keep Jeff current on my progress. (more…)
Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Completed Commissions, Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals
Tags: all rights reserved, commission, mermaid, nfs, shark
Sunday, October 11th, 2009

Winchester by Amy Crook
Years ago I painted a Great White shark, Bruce Fandango, as a wedding present for my good friends Jeff and Dawn. When I met Kim and found out she loved sharks, I immediately thought to show her Bruce. The end result (after a bit of pouting that he wasn’t available for sale) was that she commissioned a second, smaller shark of her very own.
It took me several years to actually get this shark painted; I had the background done and it gathered dust waiting for me to get my act together. After I moved back across the country from poor Kim, however, I had another person back east commission a painting (Gretchen’s awesome squid, Nugget), and so I finished them in tandem so that they could get shipped in one big flat box.
I managed to time the delivery so that I could see her face when we surprised her with the finished product, and I have to say, all the delay was totally worth it. I’m told he still harbors a place of honour on their living room wall!
20″x24″, oil on canvas, NFS
Read on to get a glimpse into the painting process…
Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals
Tags: all rights reserved, nfs, oil painting, shark