Posts Tagged ‘wip’
Coming Soon
Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
The Printer is dead — long live the Printer!
I didn’t get word art done last week thanks to the printer doom, other than this notebook I’m filling with brush lettering and brush pen art for a secret project for my Etsy shop. I’ve got about half of the pieces done, and then there will be scanning, Photoshoppery, and — gasp! — printing!
That’s right, the third one was the charm, and I have a shiny new Canon taking up way too much space on my tiny desk now. So, more word art coming soon (tomorrow, for you Instagram followers!), but until then, enjoy these little sneak peeks.

Mmm, tea. Or coffee. Whichever.
Categories: Pretty Words, Works In Progress
Tags: brush and ink, brush pen, etsy, wip
Busy Artist is Busy
Tuesday, October 21st, 2014
I’ve got jury duty today, argh! A part of me wants to do my civic duty and all that, but the rest of me is already behind and has a lot to get done before November. I have to be awake well before my usual batlike hours, so I will be a Very Grumpy Hedgehog.
I hope you are having a much better day, Dear Readers.
PS – if you want a chance to get free swag, join my list!
Categories: Works In Progress
Tags: wip, words
WIPs for Weds
Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Some of my current Works in Progress
There’s actually bunches more, but this is a nice little cross-section of my current works in progress. I seem to be great at starting stuff but not so awesome at finishing lately! Plus, a lot of my WIPs are for commissions or licensing, so they get to be secret until I can unveil the finished product.
Next week might be a Sharpie Week in deference to the holiday. Is there something you’d like to see sketched up in grand Sharpie style?
Categories: Daily Art, Works In Progress
Tags: wip
Works in Progress
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

stuff wot I’ve got goin’ on
I thought I’d do a bit of a WIPs Weds, though this is but a sample of my pile of half-abandoned art. Those following my Instagram probably recognize the two on the right, which are still waiting to be worked on after a couple of weeks of waffling. I really like the way this tentacle piece came out, which is why I tried out the red spirals, but I’m not sure tentacles are the right answer so it’s waiting for something to come to me. Or for me to give up and paint tentacles on it. The green one has this interesting leafy/feathery sort of texture that’s quite pale and again, I haven’t quite hit upon the right foreground to go with the background. Some sort of fairy, perhaps.
In the upper left you have the sketch for H is for (Mrs) Hudson, the next installment in my Baker Street Tinies series. Then there’s a belated birthday card with the Eleventh Doctor that’s waiting for my TARDIS (okay, Lapis) blue marker refill to show up, and below that is the pencils to the very first panel of my rather stalled Giant Rats of Sumatra project. Then finally in the lower left is a strange little landscape with two bloody moons and a dark city below, waiting for me to figure out what details I want to add.
Is there anything you were hoping I was working on?
Categories: Daily Art, Works In Progress
Tags: wip
WIP: New Tiny Fandom art
Monday, February 11th, 2013

Work in Progress by Amy Crook
If you remember my Tiny Fandom series from last year with fondness, you’ll be happy to know I’m working on another installment. I’ve decided that, while last year was the Year of Spirals, this year I’m going to focus more on paintings that take multiple sessions to finish. This means you’ll likely see more posts like this one, with coy hints of what’s on the way, as well as more Instagram photos of my art table.
Categories: Daily Art, Works In Progress
Tags: tiny fandom, wip
Tentacles in Progress
Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

Soon there will be tentacles here. Soon.
No tentacles yet, but I give you an oblique shot of a background soon to have writhing tentacles. I’ve got something interesting planned for these tentacles, which will hopefully be worth waiting for.
Also, shiny. Oooooohshiny.
This post brought to you by the epic amounts of work I am sloooowly getting current with.
Categories: Daily Art, Tentacles, Works In Progress
Tags: wip
It’s Coming…
Friday, January 25th, 2013

The Death of Me, Too, a comic in progress by Amy Crook
It has been a crazy busy January for me, and sometimes it seems like I hardly have time to sit down and draw or paint anymore, whew! I’ve been working on a sequel to The Death of Me for my wonderful commissioner, and you can see a little of how these things come together – pencils, then inks, then shading (or color). All starting, of course, with the dreaded blank page. I get the panels to match up by using a lightbox on the inks, so all the sofa cushions are in the same spot and whatnot.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Categories: Daily Art, Works In Progress
Tags: nfs, wip