Five 5
Tuesday, October 18th, 2011
This paper completely absorbed the water before any of the salt could even dissolve, making mysterious swirls of ink surrounding each spiral. I went back in and created the crosshatched figure, and once it was most of the way done, I turned it on the side and found that it looked rather like a creepy, Lovecraftian figure. I used water to blur the ink and add significant shape to the shoggoth, the pattern of dots turning the fifth spiral into a part of the figure like an eye on a stalk.
Five 5, 3.5″x2.5″ mixed media on paper, nfs (but available for trading!).
I find it interesting how all the ink on this piece, except for the signature, is blurred and softened, giving the whole piece has a creepy, surreal feeling. Happy Halloween season!
If you’re an artist who makes ATCs of your own, and are coveting this one, let me know!
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Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, Series and Books
Tags: aceo, atc, five series, lovecraft, pen and ink, salt, shoggoth