Archive for the ‘Words Words Words’ Category


Monday, December 16th, 2013

diluted tortoiseshell cat sleeping on snowflake sheets

this is a sight I often wake up to.
it does not encourage me to get out of bed and start my day.

Belladonna is my third-ever cat (Pod‘s the fourth), and she’s been with me for over a decade now. She’s moved smoothly into her grumpy old lady stage, and wears it well. Her coloring is called “diluted tortoiseshell,” which is like the tortoiseshell calico but with the copier toner wearing out, so she’s grey, peach, and cream instead of black, orange, and white.

I met her at one of those PetSmart kitten days, when she shamelessly fell asleep while I was holding her, and that was pretty much it. She had to go back to the vet to get fixed, and then she was mine! She’s never gotten cuddly with other cats — I think her happiest time was the brief few years she was queen of the castle and living alone with me in this apartment — but having Pod to chase has helped keep her fit.

She broke a tooth a few years ago, and so she’s got a whole range of disdainful faces she can make at him. And me. It’s kind of awesome. She also glares balefully at me whenever she’s being petted and purring, especially when she’s spent the past five minutes pestering me until I stop typing to pet her. Because cat.

my very own grumpy cat

this is her purring face.

Categories: Words Words Words


Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

black cat snuggled up in snowflake print bedsheets

the view when I came to bed

This cat came to me in November of 2008, two weeks after Halloween*. One of my design clients found him outside her office, took him to the vet for tests, and then started driving to my apartment before she thought to call me and make sure I wanted a kitten. His full name is Pteropodidae, the family name for fruit bats, because of the giant ears. He is of the cat clan McFucker, always getting into things and perpetrating fuckery on my other cat, Belladonna. If you’re a cat person, you know the type.

Pod’s nicknames are legion, including Poddles, Poddleston, Poddington, Podsworth, Podling, Butthead, Stinkerbelle. He’s got sleek, silky fur that makes excellent hairballs, and the skinniest tail I’ve ever seen on a furry cat. He’s never found a dairy product he doesn’t like, and he’s very vocal if he thinks he hasn’t had enough cheese today.** He’s the one that cuddles up to me in the night, so I wake up to find he’s made himself the little spoon, all snuggled up in the curl of my body. He will tuck himself into the bed for his afternoon nap in protest of inclement weather, which is what he was doing when I took the above photo.

Below, you can see him on the first day he was here. It took him all of an hour to start drinking out of my water glass, because he is a fucker. But I love him, and he’s good*** for Belladonna, who is grumpier but less tubby since she got someone to chase irritably around the apartment.

black cat about to drink out of a blue glass of water

just look at those ears

* we’re pretty sure he was someone’s unwanted Halloween present, he was very tame and the vet said he seemed abandoned and starving rather than feral

** there is no such thing as enough cheese

*** for certain values of good

Categories: Words Words Words
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I won, yay!

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

So, this happened on Monday, and then I forgot to tell you about it:


I’m still writing (60K+ now, and I still have today’s words to go), but I wanted to celebrate with you guys, who have been very patient with my forays away from art and into writing. And to encourage all of you who are also doing NaNoWriMo this year.

Keep writing, it’s not over ’til it’s over!

Categories: Words Words Words

NaNoWriMo and Things

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

Fairy Flower, inks by Amy Crook

Fairy Flower, inks by Amy Crook

I’ve been sadly neglecting the blog during November, but I’m doing wonderfully at NaNoWriMo, and that’s where all my words are going. I’ve started the sequel to The Courtship of Julian St. Albans, and I’m writing Julian’s book to follow up Alex’s.

In the first book, Alex gives Julian some magical plants, among them something I made up called fairy flowers, which attract butterfly fairies. They show up again in The Apprenticeship of Julian St. Albans, and so I decided to draw them. Assuming the coloring goes well, I’ll use them on the cover like I did with Horace.

I still need to color the image, but I thought you’d like to know where I’d wandered off to. So, at 47K+ words and 9 days to go, here’s a little something to tide you over.

And yes, I’m getting (some) art done for the Floating Gallery, too.

Categories: Words Words Words

Random Recipe: Lentil Stew

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013


This isn’t really a detailed recipe so much as an outline of a recipe that you can fill in with whatever flavours you like. So far I’ve made a nice spicy curry, a lovely sage and oregano version, and a delicious sweet-savory Moroccan spiced stew.

As a disclaimer, I’ve been making and eating this mainly for the nutrition, so this is specifically an easy, cheap recipe that I can give variety to, freezes well, and is high in iron.

I have no idea how veggie-friendly it is, though I would assume very. I use meat to add protein and flavor, and I assume someone who didn’t eat meat would have something else they use for that purpose. Also, there are no onions in it because I hate onions, but you do what you like.

spices and herbsThe Basic Ingredients

  • 1 lb lentils
  • 1 lb baby carrots, chopped
  • 1 lb meat (I’ve used rotisserie chicken, ground turkey, and ground beef so far)
  • 1 package frozen spinach (yes frozen you whiner, you’re cooking it anyway, but thaw before adding)
  • broth & water in whatever mixture makes you happy
  • salt, herbs, spices, and other flavor components

baby carrots for lazy chefsBrown the meat if it needs it, then add the carrots, lentils, flavorings, and broth/water. I found that about half and half made a nice rich soup without overwhelming whatever I was making with the broth. I used the instructions on the lentil package for how much liquid (and then added more for the carrots etc) and how long to cook everything.

I add the spinach near the end so it stays as happy little green highlights without dissolving into the broth, but still gets hot.

I serve this over brown rice when I’m feeling virtuous, or white rice when I’m not. It’s very filling, and as tasty as you make it. However salty it tastes in the pot, btw, the rice will suck a lot of that away, so I always end up taking a bit of extra salt to the table to make up for it.


Categories: Words Words Words
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The Power of Poddles

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

the least-blurry photo I could get of a very wriggly Podsworth

the least-blurry photo I could get of a very wriggly Podsworth

I have found a most excellent way to help stave off the afternoon sleepies! This won’t work for everyone, because not everyone has a cat who deserves this sort of treatment*, but it works for me.

First, I find Pod** where he is sleeping on top of the cat tree. Then I acquire him, protesting, and carry him to the bedroom, where we lay down in bed and have cuddles of dubious consent. He purrs and rubs his head into the petting and then leaves as soon as possible, but it’s a very nice restful, quiet minute or two.

The funny thing is that now, after doing this for a while, he still makes his break for freedom, but after a moment of staring out the window to make sure the squirrels and/or crows aren’t in attendance, he comes back. Having proven that he is above the cuddles, he demands… more cuddles.

Poddleston, Poddleston, Poddleston Pie
A fly can’t bird but a bird can fly
Ask me a riddle and I reply
Poddleston, Poddleston, Poddleston Pie***

It’s a really nice way to get a bit of rejuvenation in a short period of time, and also harass my cat. Who deserves it.****

*I don’t do this with Belladonna, because she is not a fucker who deserves naptime interruptions, and also doesn’t enjoy it as much.
**His actual name is Pteropodidae, in case you were curious.
***Horribly misquoted from Winnie the Pooh
****No, seriously, he’s a total fucker when he’s awake.

PPS – Yes, this is what it’s like in my brain, aren’t you glad you get to see more of it?

Categories: Whimsical and Strange, Words Words Words

The Art Shop closes tonight!

Saturday, August 31st, 2013

Old Friends Who've Just Met, Muppets fan art by Amy CrookIf you were thinking of getting anything in my big Art Shop, tonight’s your last chance! I’m taking all those works off the market tonight, and moving in the Floating Gallery* tomorrow.

The Etsy Shop is sticking around

I’ll still sell my greeting cards at Etsy all month long, and I’m already hard at work on new things for the holidays. I’m just changing the way I sell original art on the site.

The Floating Gallery is an experiment

So if you’ve got questions, comments or just want to chat about art, tentacles, or kittens, email me. I’m totally open to your thoughts! Especially about tentacles.

And just to say it again, in case you don’t read subject lines…

The Old Art Shop closes TONIGHT! IS CLOSED!

*If it’s after the 8th of the month, the Floating Gallery is closed until the 1st of next month.

Categories: Words Words Words

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