Posts Tagged ‘for sale’

Angler Fish 1

Friday, May 24th, 2013

Angler Fish 1 by Amy Crook

Angler Fish 1 by Amy Crook, $250

After I painted this bloody red background, deliberately deep and dark, I thought that a glowing blue Angler fish would be the perfect thing to go on top of it. I love the contrast between the abstract, color-field-like painting in the background, all matte and dark Japanese watercolors that sank into the textured black paper, and the drawing-like simplicity of the fish on top. She’s got deceptive amounts of detail, from the subtle shading on her creepy blank eye to the deliberate comic “shine” marks around her phosphorescent lure. The paint itself is a little bit shiny, with some duochrome Aquamarine mixed in with the white and turquoise to create a shiny paint that sits on top of the background rather than blending in.

Also, she’s magnificently creepy. Win!

Angler Fish 1, 7″x5″ watercolor on paper, $250 with free shipping.

Angler Fish 1, work in progress, by Amy Crook

Angler Fish 1, work in progress, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the murky background painting along with the little pre-sketch I did to fix the design in my head. I didn’t want to pencil directly onto the paint, so I just doodled it on a bit of scratch paper instead. Below, you can see a close-up of the angler’s lure and her shiny paint looking very bright against the matte depths behind her.

Angler Fish 1, detail, by Amy Crook

Angler Fish 1, detail, by Amy Crook

And finally, you can see the fish in her frame! I keep saying her because, of course, male angler fish are wee, pathetic little things doomed to die in the service of their species. I feel comfortable putting these links off my site here, because none of you ever read this far down, anyway.

Angler Fish 1, framed art by Amy Crook

Angler Fish 1, framed art by Amy Crook

  • Title: Angler Fish 1
  • 7 in. x 5 in. watercolor, Japanese watercolor, and duochrome watercolor on Arches cover black paper
  • $250 for the original (tax will be added if you live in CA)
  • Frame is not included, but can be added for $50 (shipping included)
  • Shipping is free anywhere in the world
  • Payment plans are available, just email me
  • The button below will take you to Paypal – if you’d like to pay another way, just let me know and we’ll work it out

Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books
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Brainton Soup

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Brainton Soup by Amy Crook

Brainton Soup by Amy Crook

I have a friend who always says that wonton soup looks like little brains floating in broth, so, this is totally her fault. The tentacles are taking place of the bok choi, cabbage, spinach or whatever random greens your chosen Chinese place uses in their soup. Also, tentacles. I even gave the bowl a nice design of my very own madness-inducing fake Mythos alphabet. Because I could.

What’s sad is that I’ve now done enough paintings with that text in it that I could generate this one without looking up a reference. Either that, or it really is all messages from beyond the stars.

I’m thinking this would make a great t-shirt, so if there’s interest it might go up on my meager little Redbubble account. What do you think?

Brainton Soup, 7″x5″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.

Brainton Soup, detail, by Amy Crook

Brainton Soup, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see a detail of the brains and tentacles. I tried to color the brains somewhere between the warm yellow of wonton wrappers and the unhealthy pink of a real brain, and I think the result is pleasantly disturbing. Below, you can see the brains in a frame, with Cthulhu there to keep the tentacles in line.

Brainton Soup, framed art by Amy Crook

Brainton Soup, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Tentacles, Things I'm a Fan Of, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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Monster Naptime

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Monster Naptime by Amy Crook

Monster Naptime by Amy Crook, 5″x7″ pen & ink and watercolor on paper

After last week’s pair of Monster paintings, I decided to do a follow-up to start the week off right. This is, after all, the best perspective from which to deal with the adorable little pests. Once they’ve had a nap, I’m sure they won’t be quite so grumpy.

The clever among you will notice that it’s the artist holding the monsters. The persnickety will notice my part is on the wrong side, which is artistic license. And yes, I do have a nose in real life.

Monster Naptime, detail, by Amy Crook

Monster Naptime, detail, by Amy Crook

Above you can see the cranky cuties up close and full of meh. Below, I’ve put myself and my monsters behind glass, and Cthulhu himself came by to hang out. He’s got this sleeping thing down pat, after all.

Monster Naptime, framed art by Amy Crook

Monster Naptime, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange
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Miasma of Monsters

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

Miasma of Monsters by Amy Crook

Miasma of Monsters by Amy Crook, 7″x5″ pen & ink and watercolor on paper

I swear, whenever I get sicky or ouchie my mood goes down with my physical wellness and I just feel uncreative and awful. Like my immune system is somehow responsible for keeping these critters at bay as well as the microscopic sort. I called this a miasma because that’s what their little cloud of doubt and blah reminded me of, a miasma that fills the mental air and makes it hard to see anything else.

My favorite is the guy in back, who is staring and not saying anything. You know what you did, his magenta evil eye says it all for him, though I’m fond of them all for one reason or another. The guy on the right looks like he’s about to erupt into a temper tantrum worthy of a 3-year-old, where the one on the left is very sternly lecturing you. He uses big words, I bet.

Painting them, I must admit, did help lift the miasma a bit. They’re just so cute!

Miasma of Monsters, detail, by Amy Crook

Miasma of Monsters, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see my favorite monster staring at you. Always staring. Disapprovingly staring. Below, he’s still staring out of the frame, so you can see what these guys look like trapped behind glass.

Miasma of Monsters, framed art by Amy Crook

Miasma of Monsters, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange
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Motherf-cking Bunny

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

This is a Motherfucking Bunny drawn by Amy Crook

This is a Motherfucking Bunny drawn by Amy Crook, $250

This bunny’s life is narrated by Samuel L. Jackson, he’s such a badass motherfucking bunny. He was drawn with my gorgeous but perpetually clogged fountain pen, which gives lovely scribbly broken lines. Then his ink was spread and smeared and turned from black to blue and brown and green and grey on the page, using a simple brush and water to affect the change.

Motherfucking Bunny, 5″x7″ pen, water & ink on paper, $250 with free shipping.

Motherfucking bunny, some goddamned details, by Amy Crook

Motherfucking bunny, some goddamned details, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the subtle shifts in color from blue to brown to grey, especially the nice navy blues in the shadows and soft warm greys around his face. Below, he has consented to occupy a frame for a short while so you can contemplate the magnitude of his attitude.

Motherfucking Bunny, framed art by Amy Crook, with Vorpal Bunny for good measure

Motherfucking Bunny, framed art by Amy Crook,
with Vorpal Bunny for good measure

  • Title: Motherfucking Bunny
  • 5 in. x 7 in. pen & ink and brush & ink on paper
  • $250 for the original (tax will be added if you live in CA)
  • Frame is not included, but can be added for $50 (shipping included)
  • Shipping is free anywhere in the world
  • Payment plans are available, just email me
  • If you’d like to make an offer, just let me know and we’ll make sure no one got the drop on you

Categories: Daily Art, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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Another Man’s Octopus

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

Another Man's Octopus, a Sherlock Holmes comic by Amy Crook

Another Man’s Octopus, a Sherlock Holmes comic by Amy Crook

When I was contemplating ideas for today’s Tentacle Tuesday, this idea came to me (undoubtedly influenced by the steampunk novel I’m reading) to draw the original Holmes and Watson. I borrowed the fashions from one of the old Paget illustrations, so blame him for Holmes’ weird little jabot, and then added in our random steampunky science nerd and of course Biffy, the friendly octopus. He just really likes Watson’s moustache, I feel. It’s quite dashing.

I decided to shade it all in warm greys to give it the feel of an old Victorian daguerreotype or something, which always runs into the question of whether I should color the skin of the people or leave them white as the paper. I compromised by making Holmes very pale indeed, and giving Watson and the scientist a bit more robust warmth. This kind of coloring takes a bit less time than proper color, as the limited palette simplifies things.

Another Man’s Octopus, 7″x5″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.

Another Man's Octopus, detail, by Amy Crook

Another Man’s Octopus, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the line that made me decide I absolutely had to draw the comic, along with an unimpressed Holmes uttering it. Below, they’ve made it into a frame with my bored 5-armed plushie and one of the original books.

Another Man's Octopus, framed comic by Amy Crook

Another Man’s Octopus, framed comic by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Tentacles, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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Friday, May 3rd, 2013

Eihort watercolor by Amy Crook

Eihort watercolor by Amy Crook

Before painting this, I was mostly familiar with Eihort as a Great Old One from the board game Arkham Horror. Afterwards, I looked this horrific monster up and found that yep, it’s pretty awful. Eihort is from one of the later Mythos writers, Ramsey Campbell, and is basically a giant gelatinous mass with eyes that implants people with its brood, which will later hatch and kill them during the end times. Cheerful! But appropriate to the piece of art, I think, especially the part about eyes forming and unforming constantly in its shapeless body.

Eihort, 5″x5″ duochrome watercolor on Arches cover black paper.

Eihort, detail 1, by Amy Crook

Eihort, detail 1, by Amy Crook

The two different paints used are both snazzy special effects paints that change color depending on the angle to the light, and together make the whole painting even more eerily otherwordly.

Eihort, detail 2, by Amy Crook

Eihort, detail 2, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the green and orange mixing together in strange ways in Eihort’s gelatinous form. Below, it’s lurking in a frame, just waiting to offer you its hellish bargain of freedom for larvae.

Eihort, framed art by Amy Crook

Eihort, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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