Posts Tagged ‘sex people’
Tuesday, October 5th, 2010
This is the last of the bronze couples I have, though there’s one more single figure saved to finish up the series.
This couple has a contrasting patina, the woman in soft greens and the man in rich mahogany browns, giving them a rather biracial feel. They’re resting on a soft peach pillow in the classic missionary position. Interestingly, if you flip them over the woman’s pose goes from abandon with her outflung arm, to anger as it’s raised overhead as if to strike.
Like all the couples, the two figures fit together and come apart, adding a tactile dimension to the art. Also, they’re just kinda fun to play with.
Missionary, bronze sculpture with fringed pillow, $1399 with free shipping.
Categories: Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books
Tags: bronze, for sale, sex people
Self Service
Monday, September 20th, 2010
It’s been a while since I posted one of these, so I thought I’d give you something fun for your Monday. Remember, if it’s fine art, it doesn’t count as porn.
This guy is arched way back, intent on servicing himself and oblivious to any curious eyes on him. He actually lives in the same household as the female figure, Catty, that I posted a few weeks back.
Self Service, approx. 8″x4″x3″ cast bronze, sold.
Categories: Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces
Tags: bronze, nfs, sex people
Tuesday, August 31st, 2010
This piece was once described as looking like she was wearing a black rubber catsuit, though as the bronze has aged the patina’s gotten some flecks of blue-green verdigris on it that adds an unusual texture. She’s another of my little bronze people series, so the figure is about the size of a child’s doll. I always liked the way the lines of her body combined the lush, heart-shaped derriere with long, slender limbs and a smooth, featureless face to be both sensual and faintly creepy.
The person who bought it was kind enough to send me a better photo than the ones I had, since I wanted to post the whole series and not just the ones I had left.
Catty, approx. 12″ long cast bronze, sold.
Categories: Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books
Tags: bronze, sex people, sold
Self Sufficient
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010
I thought I’d shake up the week a little and post my bronze early, this time a single figure who can be interpreted as taking care of herself, or covering up against prying eyes. Or perhaps a bit of both, who knows.
She can be posed quite modestly if her back is to the audience, like this:
Or she can be quite wanton when posed differently yet:
Like so many things in life, it’s all about your perspective.
Self Sufficient, cast bronze approx. 4.5″w x 5.5″d x 4.5″h, $699 with free shipping.
Categories: Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces
Tags: bronze, for sale, NSFW, sex people
Thursday, August 5th, 2010

Spelunking, joined view, by Amy Crook
Continuing the series of little bronze people, these two are taking a fairly standard position but using an alternate entry point. If I recall correctly, this is the figure that had a problem with the orifice in question closing up during casting. The shop tech was highly amused to watch me clamp her in a vice and drill her open with the big metal drill press. As a result the fit between them isn’t quite as close as some of the others, but it still works for them.
Spelunking, approx. 4″w x 10″l x 7″h when joined.
I’ve often considered continuing the series exploring other sexual paradigms, but the foundry I was using at the time has since closed. Perhaps one of these days my muse will demand I find a new way to create them. For now, there’s still one more couple and at least one more single figure to be posted before the series is done, and possibly more of the singles if I can dig up some good photos of the ones that were sold.
Categories: Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books
Tags: bronze, for sale, sex people
Friday, July 30th, 2010
This is another of my small bronze figures, and in her pose she’s small enough to fit heavily into one hand. The texture of her hair was created by painstakingly building up wax layer after layer in drips and drizzles, shielding her face from view while leaving the long line of her back bare. She kneels in a submissive pose with her hands held behind her, unbound.
Her patina has darkened with age and handling from a nutty brown to a deep mahogany, and her matte finish tends to swallow the light, adding an air of mystery.
Submission, approx. 3″w x 3″d x 4″h, not for sale.
Categories: Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books
Tags: bronze, nfs, sex people
All Tied Up
Thursday, July 22nd, 2010
This is the third of my bronze people series, another female domination pose with very extreme bondage indeed this time. I sculpted the male figure as usual, and then wrapped the whole thing in waxed twine, which I then also used for the woman’s hair. I ended up fattening certain parts of his anatomy to match up with his newer, more buffed-up figure — the rope added a lot to his general size while keeping the contours of his shape.
Like the previous set, these two come apart and fit together like rather naughty toys. These two are much more straightforward in how they fit, and she can also do a somewhat awkward reverse cowgirl over his eager mouth.
All Tied Up, cast bronze approx. 12″ long x 4″ wide x 6″ tall when joined, $1399 with free shipping.
Categories: Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books
Tags: bronze, for sale, NSFW, sex people
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