Posts Tagged ‘wordless weds’
3 Strange Watercolors
Wednesday, July 24th, 2013
Something different for today, three paintings I love and wish were in good homes being loved and appreciated.
Categories: Daily Art
Tags: for sale, wordless weds
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How to Paint a Goldfish
Wednesday, May 29th, 2013
Except not really, since this is mostly about how the background came to be. But I thought you’d enjoy seeing some shots of yesterday’s art coming to life, anyway!
Categories: Daily Art, Works In Progress
Tags: how it happened, wordless weds
Wordless Wednesday: Arches Cover Black
Wednesday, April 24th, 2013
Technically, Arches Cover black is a printmaking paper, soft and thick to take deep impressions of printing plates, and absorbent enough to grab and hold the ink. I’ve been using both the black and white versions of this paper for watercolors, though, because I’m an art supply rebel. Also, they’re cool.
If you’re reading this in an email, think about clicking the red title above to take you to the website, because email breaks all my pretty formatting.
Categories: Daily Art
Tags: black paper, wordless weds
Wordless Weds: Under the Sea
Wednesday, March 20th, 2013
I thought I’d revisit some sea creatures this week who aren’t skeletal or cartoon. There’s still a lot of tentacles, though.
If you’re reading this on a feed, you can click here to see it properly formatted.
Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals
Tags: wordless weds
Wordless Wednesday: Yellow
Wednesday, March 13th, 2013
Categories: Daily Art
Tags: wordless weds, yellow
Crows, Singular and in Murders
Wednesday, February 20th, 2013
Today we’re revisiting paintings of crows, singular and plural, in murders and on wires. Click on any image to see its details.
Categories: Daily Art
Tags: crow, wordless weds
Wednesday, February 13th, 2013
One of the things that I find both tedious and delightful with my glitter pens and spirals is to draw filigree, in moons and skies and planets, so enjoy a bit of sparkle in your Wednesday.
Click any image to visit its original post. Happy Wednesday!
Categories: Daily Art
Tags: filigree, wordless weds