Posts Tagged ‘words’
Monday, September 21st, 2015
What’s Periscope, you might ask?
- Periscope is an app (owned by Twitter) that lets you make live videos with your phone.
- Periscope videos (or scopes) last 24 hours before they vanish forever.
- I have Periscope set to tweet when I’m on live.
- You can watch on the app or on the web, including the replay (for as long as it lasts).
- You don’t have to make videos to have an account and watch them.
- You can text chat to the person making the video, share the video on Twitter, and give them “hearts” by tapping on the screen during the live feed.
- Yes, it’s yet another form of social media.
- Kind of like Youtube and Snapchat had a baby and sold it to Twitter.
- But I actually really like it.
- My username is, predictably, amysnotdeadyet.
I’m using it to make art! Or, well, to let you watch me make art. I painted the little hummingbird sketch above live on Periscope the other day, and below there’s two more things that owe their lives to me wanting to draw something on Periscope.

Eames & Arthur bookmarks by Amy Crook
Well, actually Eames and Arthur (above) owe their existence in part to Periscope, and in part to wanting to work on their character design for a commission. But the merdude below was one of my first Periscope experiments!

Merdude watercolor sketch by Amy Crook on Periscope
You can see at the top of the page I wrote, “Hi! I can’t see you chat,” because when I’m drawing or painting the phone is up over my shoulder and, like everything on Periscope, the chats are ephemeral and disappear before I can go looking.
I’m amysnotdeadyet on Periscope — come say hi!
Categories: People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange, Words Words Words
Tags: arthur, bookmark, eames, hummingbird, inception, merman, pen and ink, pencil, periscope, sketch, watercolor, words
How to Support Your Artist
Monday, August 17th, 2015
You like my art and you want to support me, but you’re not sure how, especially if you don’t have a lot of cash to spread around. Here’s a bunch of ways to lend a hand, and help me keep making the art that you love (and feeding my cats, whom you presumably also love):
- Share: Tweet! Facebook! Email! Share my art, my posts, my shop links and all the ways to find me with the people who think you’re the cat’s meow. Cost: Free!
- Join my List: If you want to know when there’s special things for sale, like original art bookmarks and printed umbrellas, this is the place to be. Cost: Free!
- Fiction: I write stories! If sweet gay romances and magic are your thing, then you can get my books on Amazon. Even if you’ve got Kindle Unlimited, I still get paid a little bit when you read! Cost: $1+
- Redbubble: Buy cards, bookmarks, stickers, shirts, and even socks! Redbubble’s sticker sheets are my favorite thing, but the make a lot of really neat stuff, now with Amy art. Cost: $2+
- Patreon: You can support me like an old-fashioned patron of the arts with a monthly donation of whatever size your budget can support. You’ll get something in return, whether it’s sneak peeks, sketches, or my undying gratitude. Plus cat pics! Cost: $3+
- Ko-fi: Drop me a tip! Ko-fi doesn’t charge me fees, so I just pay the Paypal cut and get to use your pocket change to buy cat toys and tea. This is a wonderful option for those who don’t want to commit to Patreon. Cost: $3+
- Spoonflower: Fabric! If you’re a quilter, sewing maven, or just want swatches of fabric to fondle, you can buy stuff from my shop here and I get a wee percentage. Cost: $5+
- Buy Original Art: This is the top tier of awesomeness. You can set up a payment plan or just drop it all at once and get instant gratification. The Floating Gallery runs once a month, so stop in and see what calls to you. Cost: $200+
Categories: Words Words Words
Tags: info, words
A Baker’s Dozen: My Favorite Art of 2014
Tuesday, January 13th, 2015
I know the time for all those “best of, most of” posts has mostly passed, but it’s the 13th and I couldn’t resist the chance to share with you my favorites* of 2014, month by month. Some of them have sold and some haven’t, and at least one of them is displayed in my studio, but they were all the art I was most proud of from this year.
*I’m only choosing paintings and not comics for this, because reasons.
Categories: Words Words Words
Tags: favorites, info, words
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014
I did my first-ever email list giveaway this month, and it was a success! The darling Midori got her package and was very squeeful about the plethora of goodies inside.
The giveaway thing started out as an excuse for me to send more mail — people on my email list can opt to give me their snail mail addresses to get entered in a monthly drawing. I’m also going to try to get some birthday cards going out, and maybe something special for next Halloween (my favorite holiday!).
I wanted to give generously and not just one or two things — something that would really bring delight and awesome happiness to my people. The splendidly wicked Evil Supply Co.* sends out a bunch of freebies every month, and after winning a whole Mr. Ghost’s Monthly Parcel (The Raven!) and being totally shocked at the amount of swag in there, I wanted to pass that feeling on to my beloved readers, customers, and patrons.

ALL the swag
In addition to cards, bookmarks, gift tags, and some of my awesome Moo minicards**, there’s a couple of things you can’t get anywhere else — stickers, prints, and one of my even awesomer square Moo cards, which are like high-quality mini art prints.
*this is not an affiliate link, I just like Atticus a lot
**this is totally an affiliate link, but I also like Moo a lot
Categories: Words Words Words
Tags: email list, giveaway, words
Busy Artist is Busy
Tuesday, October 21st, 2014
I’ve got jury duty today, argh! A part of me wants to do my civic duty and all that, but the rest of me is already behind and has a lot to get done before November. I have to be awake well before my usual batlike hours, so I will be a Very Grumpy Hedgehog.
I hope you are having a much better day, Dear Readers.
PS – if you want a chance to get free swag, join my list!
Categories: Works In Progress
Tags: wip, words
State of my Art, dog days of August edition
Monday, August 18th, 2014
This week I’ve got a lot of art to do, more than anything else. It’s that glorious week in the middle of the month when I actually have “make art” on the to-do list every day. That, and “harass Pod.” Trust me, he deserves it.
I’ve been working on a wee personal project making ridiculous pumpkin patterns for my Spoonflower account. It’s been great fun to pull out the Sharpies again, I find I do sometimes miss Sharpie Week even when I don’t miss the daily posting schedule. And it’s always fun to get into the Halloween spirit extra super early, don’t you think?
I finished two new pieces this past week, too. I finally figured out what to do with the swirly purple watercolor that I posted on Instagram last month; unsurprisingly, it involves crows. I also managed to paint another piece of stealth fan art, this time inspired by the gorgeous opening credits for Skyfall.
I’ve been working on a bunch of comics, some for Etsy and some just because. Hastur* is coming soon to a holiday card near you, and I started a slightly creepy birthday card involving a Weeping Angel. I may have also indulged myself in inking a couple of ridiculous James Bond crossovers that were the result of late-night Tumblr requests, and I might polish up a mashup of The Hobbit and Despicable Me as well.
If there’s a fandom holiday card you’ve always dreamed of seeing from me, now’s the time to let me know, Dear Readers. I’ll be drawing up a storm in August and September to be ready for the season!
I’ve got to do something with that intriguing bit of blue and white you can see along the right, and get cracking on a few other pieces as well. Before I know it, it’ll be time to work up the preview for my Patrons, and then open the Floating Gallery for September. Eek!
*three times is the charm. well, I say charm…
Categories: Words Words Words, Works In Progress
Tags: state of my art, words
Goodies for my List
Thursday, July 10th, 2014
As many of you know, I have a little email list. It’s self-selected into 3 segments, plus the few oddballs who don’t choose anything and only get the Floating Gallery announcements.
There’s Art Patrons, who get a little bit more of a preview on what I’m working on than the rest of you, as well as a few days to sneak in and snipe the art before the Gallery opens each month. There’s the Etsy Customers, who get heads-up emails about new Etsy stuff, as well as the occasional special sale. There’s the Art Blog subscribers, who get the blog posts in their email. You can be any or all of them, if you like.
Now with extra swag!
There’s two new things for my list people:
- New subscribers will get five little emails that introduce you to my art & obsessive personality
- Everyone gets a free printable pdf that’s got bookmarks, a coloring page, and a bit of calligraphy
If you’re already on the list, I sent you a link to the printable in your email yesterday. Go look!
It’s pretty nifty, if I do say so myself. So join my list, and be one of us!

That Thing You Love, aka the calligraphy in the pdf, original art by Amy Crook
Categories: Words Words Words
Tags: info, words
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