Meet Carol’s Monster, Bernie

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Carol's Monster Bernie by Amy Crook

Carol’s Monster Bernie by Amy Crook

I’d like you all to meet Bernie. He’s a little shy about his name, but we all know that even a Bernie can have a brave heart. He’s Carol’s bodyguard, and he helps keep things from hurting her. His helmet’s a little crooked, and his axe needs a bit of a sharpening, but he’s got a heart of gold — you can see it right there on his armor!

Bernie is Carol’s Monster, the first completed one from my Draw Your Monster sale a few weeks ago. As part of my Big Art Sale (to help me get to my 72-year-old Mom’s suddenly-moved-up wedding in 3 weeks), I’m offering them again, so if you missed out and wanted one, now’s the time.

As a note, since Bernie’s a commission, he’s not actually available for redistribution under the CC license mentioned below — all his rights and permissions belong to Carol now.

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Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Completed Commissions, Daily Art
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3 Responses to “Meet Carol’s Monster, Bernie”

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  1. Carol Logan Newbill @2fishweb says:

    Oh! For Amy’s readers who don’t know me, Bernie first made his appearance as Unnamed Monster #1 in “Talking to the Monsters”.

  2. When Amy asked me yesterday whether she could post this, Bernie read her email over my shoulder. His eyes got huge and he mumbled “Tomorrow, hide in closet.” 😀

    He’s very fierce, but he is endearingly shy.

    Amy did a perfect job drawing him! She is so great to work with that I’ve already contracted for another illustration.

    Happy happy monster and person,


  3. Amy says:

    @Carol Thanks for the great comment! I really had fun working on Bernie, from his cuddly blue fur to his crooked helmet.