Archive for the ‘Works In Progress’ Category
Coming Soon
Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
The Printer is dead — long live the Printer!
I didn’t get word art done last week thanks to the printer doom, other than this notebook I’m filling with brush lettering and brush pen art for a secret project for my Etsy shop. I’ve got about half of the pieces done, and then there will be scanning, Photoshoppery, and — gasp! — printing!
That’s right, the third one was the charm, and I have a shiny new Canon taking up way too much space on my tiny desk now. So, more word art coming soon (tomorrow, for you Instagram followers!), but until then, enjoy these little sneak peeks.

Mmm, tea. Or coffee. Whichever.
Categories: Pretty Words, Works In Progress
Tags: brush and ink, brush pen, etsy, wip
Busy Artist is Busy
Tuesday, October 21st, 2014
I’ve got jury duty today, argh! A part of me wants to do my civic duty and all that, but the rest of me is already behind and has a lot to get done before November. I have to be awake well before my usual batlike hours, so I will be a Very Grumpy Hedgehog.
I hope you are having a much better day, Dear Readers.
PS – if you want a chance to get free swag, join my list!
Categories: Works In Progress
Tags: wip, words
State of my Art, dog days of August edition
Monday, August 18th, 2014
This week I’ve got a lot of art to do, more than anything else. It’s that glorious week in the middle of the month when I actually have “make art” on the to-do list every day. That, and “harass Pod.” Trust me, he deserves it.
I’ve been working on a wee personal project making ridiculous pumpkin patterns for my Spoonflower account. It’s been great fun to pull out the Sharpies again, I find I do sometimes miss Sharpie Week even when I don’t miss the daily posting schedule. And it’s always fun to get into the Halloween spirit extra super early, don’t you think?
I finished two new pieces this past week, too. I finally figured out what to do with the swirly purple watercolor that I posted on Instagram last month; unsurprisingly, it involves crows. I also managed to paint another piece of stealth fan art, this time inspired by the gorgeous opening credits for Skyfall.
I’ve been working on a bunch of comics, some for Etsy and some just because. Hastur* is coming soon to a holiday card near you, and I started a slightly creepy birthday card involving a Weeping Angel. I may have also indulged myself in inking a couple of ridiculous James Bond crossovers that were the result of late-night Tumblr requests, and I might polish up a mashup of The Hobbit and Despicable Me as well.
If there’s a fandom holiday card you’ve always dreamed of seeing from me, now’s the time to let me know, Dear Readers. I’ll be drawing up a storm in August and September to be ready for the season!
I’ve got to do something with that intriguing bit of blue and white you can see along the right, and get cracking on a few other pieces as well. Before I know it, it’ll be time to work up the preview for my Patrons, and then open the Floating Gallery for September. Eek!
*three times is the charm. well, I say charm…
Categories: Words Words Words, Works In Progress
Tags: state of my art, words
September’s Works in Progress
Monday, September 16th, 2013

abstract watercolor work in progress by Amy Crook
The month’s halfway done and so is some of the art. Above there’s a piece that’s done in a similar style as Edges, in greens and golds. It feels very map-like to me, all the tiny intricate fjords that I outlined with my smallest Micron pen.
Below, there’s a piece that waited quite some time between start and finish. I kept working on it and stopping, waiting to see what it needed, until in the end I realized what it needed was a TARDIS.
Both these pieces will be available in October’s Floating Gallery. I do hope you’ll stop in and visit!

Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey, work in progress by Amy Crook
Categories: Floating Gallery, Works In Progress
WIP: yellows and greens and oranges, oh, my!
Wednesday, August 14th, 2013
I’m working on something a big different for me, finding shapes and strange details in a background and doodling them out over several sessions of drawing.
I’m not sure it’s quite all found its way to fit together yet, but I’m intrigued by what’s coming out without the pressure to finish it on such an immediate deadline.
We’ll see how it all comes together on the 1st!
Categories: Works In Progress
Giant Rats 2: Murder? Good.
Thursday, August 8th, 2013

Giant Rats of Sumatra, page 2: Murder? Good.
Sherlock art by Amy Crook
Three! Three whole pages inked, ah-ah-ah-aaah. I’m going to try to keep up some sort of useful pace with this project so that someday I might actually get the whole book done and able to be printed in one way or another. After Sherlock’s gratuitous snottiness in the first one, John’s very pleased to see Lestrade’s face and have the prospect of a case to keep Sherlock amused.
Giant Rats of Sumatra, page 2: Murder? Good. 7″x5″ pen & ink on paper.

Giant Rats of Sumatra, page 2: Murder? Good.
detail by Amy Crook
In keeping with the tradition, above you can see the painstaking pattern on Sherlock’s chair, as well as John’s welcoming smile for Lestrade. Below, you can see the piece in a frame, though it will have a long wait before it can go visit anyone at home. Also, a gratuitous hedgehog.

Giant Rats of Sumatra, page 2: Murder? Good.
framed art by Amy Crook
Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Works In Progress
Tags: black and white, crosshatching, giant rats of sumatra, gorey, john watson, pen and ink, sherlock, sherlock bbc, sherlock holmes
Giant Rats 1: Blogging Again?
Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Giant Rats of Sumatra, page 1: Blogging Again?
Sherlock art by Amy Crook
Ages ago, I started a little project combining the worlds of Sherlock with Edward Gorey and my own twisted mind, and I’ve finally gotten back to it! I scripted a 20-page story based incredibly loosely on the offhand mention in one of the original stories of the giant rats of Sumatra, and I have page 1 here for you. Page 2 is sketched, and hopefully this will start the ball rolling a little faster. I’d like to eventually publish them into a little book, which means that there’ll be front and back art, as well, but I think getting more than 2 pages done is the next step.
These pages aren’t for sale yet, because if I do make a book, I’ll try to use Kickstarter to fund it, in which case they’ll be a premium reward level.
Giant Rats of Sumatra, page 1: Blogging Again?, 7″x5″ pen & ink on paper, nfs (for now).

Giant Rats of Sumatra, page 1: Blogging Again?
detail, by Amy Crook
Above, you can see a close-up of the fine pen texture on Sherlock’s chair. Below, I’ve got it in a frame along with one of my own volumes of Sherlock Holmes.

Giant Rats of Sumatra, page 1: Blogging Again?
framed art by Amy Crook
Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Works In Progress
Tags: black and white, crosshatching, giant rats of sumatra, gorey, john watson, pen and ink, sherlock, sherlock bbc, sherlock holmes