Posts Tagged ‘word art’
Tuesday, March 29th, 2016
This past Wednesday’s word is actually a term from beer and winemaking, yum! A cask or bottle of wine or beer requires a certain amount of ullage in order for the little yeasties to do the fermenting, but too much and you’ve shorted your measure.
I still wanted to bring that whole “glass half empty” metaphor into it, at least visually, so I went for a glass rather than a bottle or cask. I painted this whole thing live on Persicope; come join me some Wednesday around 2-3pm Pacific.
In the meantime, I hope your glass is just as full as you want it to be, of whatever suits!
Categories: Pretty Words, Series and Books
Tags: brush and ink, primatek, watercolor, word art, word art weds
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016
Grammar words are the best words. Today’s fan-bloody-tastic example is “tmesis,” which is also the only word in the English language to start with ‘tm.’
I did the inks for this on Periscope, and then took a few days to pick a lovely Primatek palette of three beautifully granulating natural pigments to keep with the pointy goth theme. The rusty Minnesota Pipestone had a tendency to smudge and travel on me, so I went with that and added a “bloody” fingerprint over the tmesis in my tmesis.
Dreamt is the only word to end in ‘mt.’
Categories: Pretty Words, Series and Books
Tags: pen and ink, primatek, watercolor, word art, word art weds
Tuesday, March 15th, 2016
This was only the second Word Art Wednesday, and I’ve already resorted to terrible puns. I don’t think this bodes well for you all, but hopefully you’ll enjoy them anyway.
I’ll be doing another of these tomorrow on Periscope, probably around 2pm Pacific. Come join me! Or watch me. Or at least my hands. Something.
Categories: People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: copic marker, etsy, mycroft, mycroft holmes, pen and ink, sherlock, sherlock bbc, sherlock holmes, sold, word art, word art weds
Friday, March 11th, 2016
Technically, this is last week’s word art, but I waited until this week to post it because reasons.
I’m starting a new art series, hearkening back to the daily project from last November and doing Word Art Wednesdays on Periscope. I’m usually going to be on around 2pm Pacific, if you want to come along and see what I’m doing — I’ve decided to color the inks from this Wednesday, so that’ll post next week in all its punny glory.
This particular bit of word art was painted in lovely shiny special effects watercolors, and you can see in my original Instagram post below how that looks when it’s not all flattened out by the scanner.
Categories: Pretty Words, Series and Books
Tags: duochrome, interference, watercolor, word art, word art weds
Word Art, week 4+2
Monday, November 30th, 2015
November’s over, and I won at NaNoWriMo, hooray! I even managed a piece of word art every day through flu and freezing cold and fickle cats trying to sleep on my hands while I typed. So yay for finished projects!
I have had an inquiry about making a booklet of these — what do you think? Would you want a handmade book of weird words? It would be a lot of work to scan and format and print, but it might be fun to have the project preserved for posterity.
Categories: Pretty Words
Tags: brush and ink, calligraphy, pen and ink, sketch, word art, word art nov15
Word Art, week 3
Sunday, November 22nd, 2015
The days keep flying by, especially this week! I was sick and sleepy and pathetic, so I chose a lot of easy words. I’m feeling better now, though, and hope to get caught up on my NaNoWriMo words tonight (I’m about half a day behind now, a 100-word day really eats your lead).
Enjoy 7 new words – which one are you going to keep in your lexicon?
40404 words!
Categories: Pretty Words
Tags: brush and ink, calligraphy, pen and ink, sketch, word art, word art nov15
Word Art, week 2
Sunday, November 15th, 2015
How are we already halfway through November? NaNoWriMo is going pretty well despite the pollen, which seems determined to turn my brains to mush. I decided to confine these to the same paper and orientation, but otherwise allow myself to do whatever felt right for each day, whether that’s ink art or comic doodles or a UV-glowing ghost.
Which one’s your favorite new (or old) word?
28182 words and counting!
Categories: Pretty Words
Tags: brush and ink, calligraphy, pen and ink, sketch, word art, word art nov15
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