Sadboy and the Knob
Tuesday, July 18th, 2017
I’ve got Slack emoji once again! My darling fellow fans have been eager to populate the chat with the full cast of Inception. Cobb the Knob, as he’s affectionately known, is giving his famous squint that launched a thousand memes. Poor Fischer is crying over his pinwheel and daddy issues, looking very sad indeed.
I feel like there’s some kind of Britpunk band waiting to happen here with the art title, but that might just be the urge to see Robert Fischer looking anything but heartbroken for a second.
These are drawn as close to a square aspect ratio as possible, so that they work as emoji on Slack. Their adorable 2-head-high chibi style conveys a lot of personality in a tiny space.
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Categories: Card Design, Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: chibi, commission, copic marker, dom cobb, etsy, inception, nfs, pen and ink, robert fischer, sold