Posts Tagged ‘nfs’

Sharpie Week: Golden Snitch

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

Sharpie Golden Snitch sketch by Amy Crook

Sharpie Golden Snitch sketch by Amy Crook

My house guest has flown back to DC, and I’ve got one more day of vacation plans before it’s back to the grind. Actually there’ll be a little grind today, since I’ve got a teleclass, but we’re pretending that’s just not the case at the moment. Much like how we’re pretending that the above Snitch is actually round.

Also, my cats say hi, and want you to know that I’m never allowed to leave the house again.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Sharpie Week: Wood Fairy

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

Sharpie Wood Fairy sketch by Amy Crook

Sharpie Wood Fairy sketch by Amy Crook

This cheerful little trickster was by request of the wonderful patron who commissioned the Forest Dragon. He’s totally contemplating what mischief he can get into next.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Whimsical and Strange
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Sharpie Week: Bashful Cuttlefish

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

Sharpie Bashful Cuttlefish sketch by Amy Crook

Sharpie Bashful Cuttlefish sketch by Amy Crook

Prompted by the very houseguest who is keeping me in SF and away from my studio, I drew a bashful little cuttlefish hiding behind a shell. Don’t ask me about the spots, I don’t even know. He wanted color.

Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Tentacles
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Sharpie Week: Polar Bear

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Sharpie Polar Bear sketch by Amy Crook

Sharpie Polar Bear sketch by Amy Crook

It’s Sharpie Week!

I’m ridiculously tired, given that all I’ve done is run around after my house guest, while she finished the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon yesterday. But then, she trained for the tri, and I’m a lazy antisocial hobbit.

Today’s request was from my BFF, who was on a glacier last week. Polar bear sez grr.

Categories: Daily Art, Whimsical and Strange
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Tentacle Deeps 36

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Tentacle Deeps 36 by Amy Crook

Tentacle Deeps 36 by Amy Crook

This week’s art is all full of color, and the tentacles are no exception! A soft, granular periwinkle background plays host to rich teal tentacles, seven of which reach up for whatever mysterious light shines down from above. All this rich color is hard to represent online, but I do what I can to be as accurate as possible, at least on my monitor.

It’s hard to believe I’ve painted three dozen of these, but the proof is in the tag. I have a few more planned yet before I give up the series, so don’t fear for Tentacle Tuesday just yet.

Tentacle Deeps 36, 6″x6″ watercolor on paper.

Tentacle Deeps 36, detail, by Amy Crook

Tentacle Deeps 36, detail, by Amy Crook

Above you can see my tradition tentacles-up detail photo. Below, I’ve temporarily tucked them into an 8″x10″ desk frame for photographing, with my iPhone for reference. If you’re wondering where the sticker went, it’s a whole new phone – the old one had an in-warranty mechanical issue, and so I have a brand new one in its place. New sticker soon, this time with Jellyfish!

Tentacle Deeps 36, framed art by Amy Crook

Tentacle Deeps 36, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Series and Books, Tentacles
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Ogre sketch

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

Ogre sketch by Amy Crook

Ogre sketch by Amy Crook

Today’s sketch went into some nice person’s Cthulhu Coloring Book, or perhaps a Monster Heart one. It’s hard to remember sometimes. The Ogre was inspired by an episode of Grimm, one of the few shows I watch that wasn’t cancelled.

Happy Sunday!

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art
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Mario’s Cave

Friday, May 25th, 2012

Mario's Cave by Amy Crook

Mario’s Cave by Amy Crook

This piece owes its origins firstly to my childhood spent playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo, and more recently to Steph of nerdJERK and Lawrence Yang, both of whom make awesome pop-culture-inspired art. I was feeling a bit down about this and that, and I’d had this abstract, cave-like background sitting around for a long time. I decided it was time to just do something silly to amuse myself, so I made the cave from whence the Mario mushrooms originate. There’s mostly blue Mini Mushrooms (they make Mario small) and red Power Ups (that make him big), but there’s a few sneaky purple Poison Mushrooms and a trio of green 1ups.

Mario’s Cave, 5″x7″ watercolor on paper.

I put it in its usual frame-with-iPhone shot so you can see just how tiny the shrooms are.

Mario's Cave, framed art by Amy Crook

Mario’s Cave, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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