Bollocking the TARDIS
Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

Bollocking the TARDIS, commission by Amy Crook
all rights reserved, please don’t copy without permission
My wonderful patron from New Zealand, Caroline, commissioned this little comic for her housemate for Christmas, and I’m finally getting around to posting it.
If you’re not familiar with The Thick of It, it’s the show Peter Capaldi was most famous for before he agreed to become the Twelfth Doctor on Doctor Who. Or thirteenth. Or possibly fourteenth. I’m not super clear on that part… Anyway, Malcolm Tucker is the character well known for his incredibly creative and prolific swearing, which is extra hilarious since it’s a show about the inner workings of British politics.
Malcolm’s bollocking face is straight from the show.
The original is, obviously, safely in the hands of its happy recipient, but Caroline’s given me permission to make it into a greeting card for your most swear-happy friends.
Bollocking the TARDIS, 5″x7″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.

Bollocking the TARDIS, blank greeting card by Amy Crook at Etsy
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Categories: Card Design, Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: all rights reserved, commission, copic marker, doctor who, nfs, pen and ink, tardis, the thick of it, twelfth doctor