Posts Tagged ‘for sale’

Have You Hugged Your Tentacle Monster Today?

Saturday, July 20th, 2013

Have You Hugged Your Tentacle Monster Today? Cthulhu art by Amy Crook

Have You Hugged Your Tentacle Monster Today?
Cthulhu art by Amy Crook

Cthulhu just wants hugs. And to devour your soul, but you know. Hugs first!

Have You Hugged Your Tentacle Monster Today?, 5″x7″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.

Have You Hugged Your Tentacle Monster Today? detail, by Amy Crook

Have You Hugged Your Tentacle Monster Today?
detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see a close-up of Cthulhu’s huggable tentacles. Below, he’s in a frame, so you can get the full effect of being hugged by a tentacle monster.

Have You Hugged Your Tentacle Monster Today? framed art by Amy Crook

Have You Hugged Your Tentacle Monster Today?
framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Card Design, Daily Art, Series and Books, Tentacles, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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Black Iron Filigree

Friday, July 19th, 2013

Black Iron Filigree, watercolor by Amy Crook

Black Iron Filigree, watercolor by Amy Crook

Another of my mysterious dark backgrounds has been brought to light, though in this case I gave it even more darkness to contend with in the form of matte black filigree. There’s a bit of salt on this piece to add a tiny bit of unexpected sparkle, too, and when framed in black it gives the impression of peering through a carved screen into the mysteries beyond.

Black Iron Filigree, 5″x5″ watercolor and salt on watercolor paper.

Black Iron Filigree, detail, by Amy Crook

Black Iron Filigree, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the tiny sparkle of slat crystals hiding among the matte curls, adding a little magic to the mystery of the swirling blues and purples of the background. Below, you can see the piece framed with my phone for scale.

Black Iron Filigree, framed art by Amy Crook

Black Iron Filigree, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, Series and Books
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Tentacle Spiral 6

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

Tentacle Spiral 6 by Amy Crook

Tentacle Spiral 6 by Amy Crook

This painting reminds me of looking into a pool of water that reflects the silvery moon. Not that I’ve ever been able to see writhing tentacles reaching in from all sides, slithering under the water and trying to capture the moon in their curls. The silver seems to float on top of everything else, even the details that were added after, though there’s little pen-and-ink details that scratch their way through the surface to add an extra bit of visual interest.

Tentacle Spiral 6, 6″x4″ Japanese watercolor, metallic watercolor, pen & ink and Sharpie marker on watercolor paper.

Tentacle Spiral 6, detail, by Amy Crook

Tentacle Spiral 6, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the secret coppery pen-scratches adding little halos of movement around some of the tentacles, and the deeper blacks etched into the silvery Sharpie curls as well. Below, you can see the piece in a frame, giving the tentacles a more otherworldly feel as they sneak in from all sides, grasping at moonlight.

Tentacle Spiral 6, framed art by Amy Crook

Tentacle Spiral 6, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Series and Books
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Straight On ‘Til Yesterday

Monday, July 15th, 2013

Straight On 'Til Yesterday, watercolor by Amy Crook

Straight On ‘Til Yesterday, watercolor by Amy Crook

Another watercolor sky, this one dreamy and just a bit odd, with the stars out in full force and a strange planetary-atmosphere glow of color. This is one of those which my scanner just cannot get right, but the framed photo at the bottom gives a really nice sense of the colors involved.

I think of this as secret Doctor Who art, actually — I imagine him standing in the doorway of the TARDIS with his latest companion, pointing up at the stars and making a Peter Pan joke. To the very right you can see the edge of something, planet or satellite or moon, which is completely hidden when it’s in the frame, like a little secret between the artist and collector, or perhaps that’s where the Doctor means to take us after all.

Straight On ‘Til Yesterday, 7″x5″ Japanese watercolor and silver watercolor on Arches cover black paper.

Straight On 'Til Yesterday, detail, by Amy Crook

Straight On ‘Til Yesterday, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the softly textured sky and bright, twinkling silver stars, and a bit of the fade from turquoise to blue to black. Below, you can see it in a frame, with a sonic screwdriver and much more accurate colors.

Straight On 'Til Yesterday, framed art by Amy Crook

Straight On ‘Til Yesterday, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Silver Filigree

Friday, July 12th, 2013

Silver Filigree by Amy Crook

Silver Filigree by Amy Crook

At this point, I have to conclude that not only do I love to draw it, I just adore the word filigree. This one’s a little different from its predecessors, though, with the filigree fading from silver into mist as it pours down into the dark, strange painting. Not a single speck of glitter was used!

Silver Filigree, 5″x5″ Japanese watercolor and salt on Arches cover black paper.

Silver Filigree, detail, by Amy Crook

Silver Filigree, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see how the spirals grow fainter and more transparent as they travel away from their origin. Below, you can see the painting in a frame on my bookshelf, where it lived all through Sharpie week.

Silver Filigree, framed art by Amy Crook

Silver Filigree, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, Series and Books
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Monday, July 8th, 2013

Horace, an illustration from The Courtship of Julian St. Albans, by Amy Crook

Horace, an illustration from The Courtship of Julian St. Albans,
by Amy Crook

So, this is Horace! He’s a character from The Courtship of Julian St. Albans, which is a novel I wrote. I decided that one high-stress, low-paying creative career was enough, so rather than go through the normal channels of submission-rejection-etc, I just self-published it using Amazon’s CreateSpace platform. It’s available on Kindle or as a real, physical book, and you can even “borrow” the Kindle file if you’ve got Amazon Prime.

Even better, it’s available for free on Kindle today and tomorrow (July 8 & 9) as a special promotional thing! I’m also going to give away a copy of the physical book tomorrow, so if you covet a signed copy, that’s one way to get it.

The Courtship of Julian St. Albans is something of a hybrid book, a murder mystery in an urban fantasy setting, with a gay romance all wrapped up in the central plot.

Alex Benedict is the main character, and the mage who created Horace. Alex makes his living consulting on magical murders with the Agency, and he’s called in to consult on the murder of Julian St. Albans’ husband-to-be. Alex ends up a part of Julian’s formal Courtship, treading a deadly dance of manners, murder and magic. Horace is a magical artefact, rather than a clockwork machine. He’s hollow in the middle; he carries letters back and forth between the suitor and courted. He might just be my favorite character in the book, and was definitely the most fun to draw!

Horace, 4″x6″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.

Horace, detail, by Amy Crook

Horace, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see some of Horace’s details, both the filigree making up his body, and the runes that help him function magically. Below, you can see the bird with the book, and my phone makes three.

Horace and The Courtship of Julian St. Albans, both by Amy Crook

Horace and The Courtship of Julian St. Albans,
both by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange
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Periwinkle Flowers

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Periwinkle Flowers, watercolor by Amy Crook

Periwinkle Flowers, watercolor by Amy Crook, $250

I was thinking more of clouds when I first started painting these little puffs of periwinkle, but they came out so flower-like that I surrounded them with leaves and grass and gave them swirly centers of overlapping yellow and white spirals. I let them sit around in a frame for a few days while I decided if I liked them, and they grew on me (pun acknowledged if not intended).

Periwinkle Flowers, 5″x7″ watercolor on paper, $250 with free shipping.

Periwinkle Flowers, detail, by Amy Crook

Periwinkle Flowers, detail, by Amy Crook

Above you can see a slightly color-shifted detail of one of the soft watercolor flowers, which was blued over a bit by the bright sunshine. Below, the piece is framed and hanging out with my plush of Mei dressed as a Totoro, because it can.

Periwinkle Flowers, framed art by Amy Crook

Periwinkle Flowers, framed art by Amy Crook

  • Title: Periwinkle Flowers
  • 5 in. x 7 in. Japanese watercolor on paper
  • $250 for the original (tax will be added if you live in CA)
  • Frame is not included, but can be added for $50 (shipping included)
  • Shipping is free anywhere in the world
  • Payment plans are available, just email me
  • The button below will take you to Paypal – if you’d like to pay another way, just let me know and we’ll work it out

Categories: Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes
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