Posts Tagged ‘for sale’
Instagram Food
Friday, March 8th, 2013
After I made my little Instagram Valentine, I wanted to make another card that had that same soft, abstract feeling and expressed a bit of what I love about the service. This time, though, I went for a more “missing you” approach, so instead of a person we get one of the other most-Instagrammed things — food! I painted it in warm yellows, oranges and browns with just a touch of green, to give the feeling of a filtered picture, and put it in a distressed photo “frame” as well.
Instagram Food, 5″x5″ pen & ink and Japanese Watercolor on paper, $79 with free shipping for the original.
The card says, “I like seeing your food on Instagram, but I’d rather see your face in person,” with the words framing the art.
Categories: Daily Art, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: etsy, for sale, instagram, japanese watercolor, pen and ink, yellow
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Baker Street Crest
Thursday, March 7th, 2013
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the alphabet, I’ve done another B! I took the design for H is for Heraldry, with all its Sherlock-centric themes, and turned it into a B for 221B Baker Street. There’s actually a lot of John Watson in this crest, almost more so than Sherlock Holmes, with the generosity, loyalty, and martial readiness. Sherlock is in there, too, though, both of them rampant and ready to defend their little kingdom.
I decided not to bling up the gold in this one, sticking to a nice bright, warm yellow to represent the Or field on the shield. This also makes them easier to reproduce, so I’ve got note cards for sale on Etsy with the crest, so you can send your next piece of snail mail in style.
Baker Street Crest, 5″x5″ pen & ink and Copic markers on paper.
Above, you can see the detail on the cheerful hedgehog and rather snooty otter. Below, I’ve put it in a frame and you can see how the original stacks up next to my iPhone.
Categories: Daily Art, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: alphabet, copic marker, etsy, for sale, heraldry, pen and ink, sherlock, sherlock bbc, sherlock holmes
Sad and Sorry Squid
Tuesday, March 5th, 2013
This little blue fellow is very, very sorry for whatever you did to make him angry. Won’t you forgive him? He’s just blue all over from regretting what he said.
I designed him to go with my other squid cards at Etsy, and I think he’d make a very effective apology.
Sad and Sorry Squid, 5″x5″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.
Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Tentacles
Tags: copic marker, etsy, for sale, pen and ink, squid, tentacles
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Ghost Moon
Monday, March 4th, 2013
I can’t honestly remember now which came first, the Ghost Spirals Bookmark or the trees in this piece. I definitely painted them on the same day, but then I came back to this later and added in the moon, and then in a third pass I added iridescent blue stars with the purple meteor, a shine of subtle iridescent green to the treetops, and silver on the moon.
I’m sometimes torn about using so much iridescent and metallic paint. On the one hand, it feels a bit gimmicky (and can’t be made into prints effectively), but on the other hand I think the pieces are more beautiful with the shimmer and shine. And since the real point of my art is to put more beautiful things into the world, I’ve decided to go with what feels right.
Ghost Moon, 7″x5″ Japanese watercolor on Arches cover black paper.
Above, you can see a bit of the green shimmer on the trees, the silver shine of the moon, and the blue and purple stars, shooting and otherwise. Below, I’ve got the piece in a frame, so you can see how it sizes up to my iPhone.
Categories: Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: black paper, for sale, iridescent, japanese watercolor, moon, shooting star, spirals, tree, watercolor
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Spiral Bookmark 6
Tuesday, February 26th, 2013
Today’s bookmark reminds me of sun on the ocean, lightening up the top layer that then gets darker the deeper it goes. The sun is in a shimmery copper, while the ocean is three levels of three spirals each, from a pale aqua that my scanner loves to hate, through a brighter blue and then finally a soft greyish sapphire. All of the paints are iridescent, and catch the light beautifully.
Spiral Bookmark 6, 1.25″x4.5″ watercolor on paper.
Above, you can see some of the sun-changed colors and get a different hint especially of the deep blue and pale aqua. Below, you can see it hanging out with my trusty hardcover book.
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, Series and Books
Tags: bookmark, buy a bookmark, for sale, iridescent, spirals, watercolor
Doodle Bookmark 1
Monday, February 25th, 2013
It’s Bookmark Week again! I’m starting off with a little bit of oddment that built up over a few days of me doodling with a black superfine Sharpie. I let myself do stream of consciousness, so there’s vines and crosshatching and even a single Converse hightop, making a surreal little bit of art that lets your mind wander with your eyes. It’d be great to put in a writing journal, to give you something to jump start your brain when the blank page is too much.
Doodle Bookmark 1, , 5″x2″ Sharpie marker on paper.
Above, you can see a close-up of the middle section of the doodles, where some tentacles seem to have snuck in amongst the curls and vines. Below, you can see it with a standard hardcover book.
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, Series and Books
Tags: bookmark, buy a bookmark, doodle, for sale, sharpie marker
Filigree Moon 3
Friday, February 22nd, 2013
This is sort of a Slytherin moon in silver and green, with a few green glittery spirals hiding in among the silver as well as a green halo around the whole moon. Although you can’t see them in the scan above, there’s little flecks of silver and green glitter in the black sky background like distant, tiny stars that catch the light at just the right angle.
Filigree Moon 3, 5″x5″ Japanese watercolor and glitter gel pen on Arches cover black paper.
You can see not only the green glitter in with the silver, but a few little glimmering stars out in the black velvet space.
Above, you can see the moon before it got its decorative filigree. I love the subtle textures as the green and white paint mixed and moved around on the paper, making formations like real moon geography. Below, you can see the silver spirals about halfway done, the paper angled to catch the light and really make the glitter shine.
And finally we have the framed photo, showing how subtle the filigree can be from some angles. Despite the slightly odd angle of the torn paper, it fits perfectly into a standard 5″ square frame.
Categories: Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Series and Books
Tags: black paper, filigree, for sale, glitter gel pen, green, moon, silver, watercolor
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