Posts Tagged ‘word art’
Tuesday, May 17th, 2016
A busy week means an easy word! This one was fun to do, ink in a waterbrush and deliberate squiggles to give the feeling of quivering. You can even see the soft texture of the paper in the scan, and the soft lines where the brush shivered along with every tiny bump and dip.
If you’d like to request your own word art, become my patron on Patreon! For as little as $5 a month, you can get sketches of your own oddling ideas. Or at least my interpretation of those ideas.
Categories: Pretty Words, Series and Books
Tags: brush and ink, pen and ink, word art, word art weds
Tuesday, May 10th, 2016
This was the word art for May the Fourth, aka Star Wars day! Selcouth seemed to perfectly fit the fantastical world that was at once strange, marvelous, and wonderful, and of course BB-8 wanted to guest star as the perfect avatar of all of the above.
Come join me tomorrow on Periscope (starts around 2-3pm Pacific) and see what new word gets brought to life!
Categories: Pretty Words, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: bb-8, copic marker, may the fourth be with you, pen and ink, star wars, this is not the droid you're looking for, word art, word art weds
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016
One of my Patreon patrons requested this word for their sketch last month, so we’re taking a quick break from May’s gallery to show the last of April’s word art.
This illustration involves some naughty kitties — or one rather distressed one, and one very smug one, rather. Anyone who knows my cats knows who is meant to be who here, despite their lack of markings.*
*Pod deserves it, the fuzzy little jerkface.
Categories: Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books
Tags: cat, pen and ink, word art, word art weds
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016
I couldn’t resist the idea of Bond totally confusing his Quartermaster with intact, fully functioning equipment. Gun not fed to a komodo dragon. Earpiece not dropped into a glass of champagne. Unexploded pen!
So confusing.
Categories: People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: 007, 00q, copic marker, james bond, pen and ink, q, word art, word art weds
Tuesday, April 19th, 2016
One of my lovely Patreon patrons asked for this word as her art prompt this month, and so I used it for last Wednesday’s word art.
In anime, when misfortune has come to a character they draw blue lines from their hairline down their face to show it, and this lovely lovely violet-black Japanese watercolor echoes that by drawing down the gloom in long lines. The figure below is in the blue-black from the same palette, ghostly and gloomy, carrying its own darkness within.
If you want art made just for you, you can support me on Patreon — request your own sketches for as little as $5 a month!
Categories: Pretty Words, Series and Books
Tags: japanese watercolor, nfs, pen and ink, sold, watercolor, word art, word art weds
Tuesday, April 12th, 2016
It’s definitely a house rule among cat owners that you can’t be expected to do any sort of responsible adulting if you’ve got a cat in your lap. They have their very own special gravity that causes inactivity among their chosen humans/bedwarmers.
I drew this live on Persicope; come join me some Wednesday around 2-3pm Pacific. Next week I’ll be doing a Patreon patron’s requested word!
Categories: People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: cat, james bond, pen and ink, q, word art, word art weds
Tuesday, April 5th, 2016
The actual taxonomy is anything that has claws or nails as opposed to hooves, but I couldn’t resist the shorter definition or the visual that went with it. Look out! Rawr!
I drew this live on Persicope; come join me some Wednesday around 2-3pm Pacific. Who knows what weird word I’ll choose next.
Categories: Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books
Tags: pen and ink, pencil, word art, word art weds
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