Posts Tagged ‘star wars’
November 2023 Patreon Sketches
Monday, March 18th, 2024
We’re catching up! Since patron sketches get done the month after requests, December’s the last of this batch (though January will be ready before these are all posted, lol).
As requested! 😻 There’s two sets, watercolor & ink/marker, so please enjoy both.
- Jo asked for “something banishing winter gloom with light”
- Jeff asked for “time shift” and this winter winds blowing the autumn away is the second try (sold)
- Rebecca W asked for “giant Lapis tiny Lenin” since it often looks that way in pics
- Rebecca S asked for honeybees! (sold)
- This was the first try at “time shift” for Jeff, but somehow the ‘Murica overwhelmed the Doppler reference.
- Next comes my wee monster Andy and “ew mouthpets!” for SaraBeth (sold)
- Eric wanted “Loth cat Ezra” and got Ezra as a Loth cat, because why not? (sold)
- Corinne asked, “Is Mikey CAKE?”
- And finally, Amy B asked for a Christmas vampire and got this charming, trustworthy fellow (sold)
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: amy b, bee, cat, copic marker, corinne, eric, jefferson, jo vanevery, pen and ink, rebecca s, rebecca w, sarabeth, star wars, watercolor
February 2022 sketch cards
Tuesday, April 12th, 2022
It was a small month for requests, and then March gave me a terrible cold, so there’s just two quick, fun ones! There will have to be more made this month so I keep having plenty for my Snow Leopards, but please enjoy these two dumb jokes.

ACEO sketch cards by Amy Crook for Patreon supporters
- Jeff prompted with the in-joke “Feast for Yoda” and got this equally obscure bit of humor back.
- Rey & Amber prompted “no more spoons” and got this saying that came from… somewhere? But fuck if I know where. Sorry, person more clever than I.
Categories: Completed Commissions, Pretty Words, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: copic marker, jefferson, patreon, pen and ink, rey, star wars
End of 2020 Patreon Sketches, part 2
Tuesday, March 16th, 2021
Another big batch of sketches done, getting us caught up through October, with one little January request sneaking in because reasons. Corvid reasons.

Lenin & Carmilla down the left side for Dr. Tags, and then on the right we have Persevere for Rey, “Mandalorian feels” for Kim, and vampire bats for Amy B (most sold)

Espurr for Eric, crow in snow for Andria, the things in Jeff’s skull, Julius Ceasar and the Very Pointy Day for Dr. Tags, and Relax for Rey (most sold)
Categories: Completed Commissions, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Tentacles, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
Tags: bat, carmilla, cat, colored pencil, copic marker, crow, lenin, patreon, pen and ink, pencil, pokemon, star wars, watercolor, word art
Feb & March 2020 Patreon sketches
Thursday, May 14th, 2020
Back in Feb & March, in the before times and the between times, some Patreon patrons gave me sketch requests! I’ve been slowly filling these as the months go along (they normally get filled the month after they’re requested), but forgetting to share them here.
And so, a lot of art with very little explanation!
Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Completed Commissions, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, People, Figures and Faces, Pretty Words, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
Tags: copic marker, corinne, doctor who, duochrome, glitter gel pen, hockey, ink wash, iridescent, james bond, jefferson, kim, nfs, patreon, pen and ink, pokemon, primatek, sherlock, skull, sold, star wars, tank girl, watercolor, word art
Advent 2016, week 4
Saturday, December 31st, 2016
2016 is almost over!
To celebrate the end of this terrible year, I drew one sketch every day. They’re in various media on cheap-but-archival 5.5″x8.5″ embossed white cards. Some of these will be available as cards, some of them will be in a special sale for my email list next month, and some of them are already spoken for.
I had the flu and then a cold for most of December, so pardon some of the weirdness. I’m mostly well now, except for a bit of a lingering cough. Wish me luck in not catching anything else for awhile!

Advent 2016 day 26: Snortoro, a Pokemon and Totoro parody mashup, $20

Advent 2016 day 27: General Organa, Star Wars parody art, sold

Advent 2016 day 28: Pounce, $10

Advent 2016 day 29: Star Cat, $15

Advent 2016 day 30: Inception in a Teacup, parody art, $30

Advent 2016 day 31: Toast, Inception parody art, $30
Happy New Year!
Categories: Card Design, Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: advent 2016, ariadne, arthur, brush and ink, cat, christmas, copic marker, eames, general leia, inception, j herbin ink, new year, parody, pen and ink, pokemon, star wars, yusuf
Tuesday, May 10th, 2016
This was the word art for May the Fourth, aka Star Wars day! Selcouth seemed to perfectly fit the fantastical world that was at once strange, marvelous, and wonderful, and of course BB-8 wanted to guest star as the perfect avatar of all of the above.
Come join me tomorrow on Periscope (starts around 2-3pm Pacific) and see what new word gets brought to life!
Categories: Pretty Words, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: bb-8, copic marker, may the fourth be with you, pen and ink, star wars, this is not the droid you're looking for, word art, word art weds