Archive for the ‘Daily Art’ Category

Lucky Squid

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Lucky Squid cartoon by Amy Crook

Lucky Squid cartoon by Amy Crook, $99

This little squid is pure self-indulgence! I was in my favorite place for bubble tea, and I noticed they had a bunch of various lucky cat sculptures around. The owner has always enjoyed my squid cards at the holidays, so I decided I needed to combine these two ideas with a proper Lucky Squid. I even googled the traditions so I could decide which details to keep (the red ears and white coat became red fins and white skin, and of course he’s got his gold coin), and which to ignore (a squid in a collar and bib didn’t seem like it would work). I even put him on a greeting card!

Lucky Squid, 5″x7″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper, $99 with free shipping.

Lucky Squid, detail, by Amy Crook

Lucky Squid, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the coin up close and my terrible rendition of the traditional kanji for 10 million ryo, washed red on the paper and blue in the ink by the sunlight. Below, the cheerful little squid beckons to you from a frame, accompanied by my stalwart iPhone and a few plushie friends.

Lucky Squid, framed art by Amy Crook

Lucky Squid, framed art by Amy Crook

  • Title: Lucky Squid
  • 5 in. x 7 in. pen & ink and Copic marker on paper
  • $99 for the original (tax will be added if you live in CA)
  • Frame is not included, but can be added for $50 (shipping included)
  • Shipping is free anywhere in the world
  • Payment plans are available, just email me
  • The button below will take you to Paypal – if you’d like to pay another way, just let me know and we’ll work it out

Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Tentacles
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Sunday Round-Up & Penguin Sketch

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

The Death of Me, Too, a Sherlock print by Amy Crook

The Death of Me, Too, a Sherlock print by Amy Crook

This week was all of a piece, with The Death of Me, Too, the comic sequel to The Death of Me. You can read them both from the start at this tag, which even puts them in the right order for you.

I pulled out my Sharpie to sketch something I vaguely saw in the shapes of something I was staring blankly at during my ‘blink and yawn’ phase this morning, so enjoy this penguin, who is feeling about as awake and full of meh as I am. My hair looks better, though.

meh Penguin, Sharpie sketch by Amy Crook

meh Penguin, Sharpie sketch by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Sunday Round-Up
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The Death of Me, Too, 6 of 6

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

The Death of Me, Too, 6 of 6, a Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

The Death of Me, Too, 6 of 6, a Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

And so we come to the end, when John and Sherlock have both survived their terrible colds and, in John’s case, some rather terrible caretaking. I think the expression on John’s face here really says it all, don’t you?

If you enjoyed this comic, consider getting a print at my Etsy shop to have your very own copy to admire and giggle over.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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The Death of Me, Too, 5 of 6

Friday, April 5th, 2013

The Death of Me, Too, 5 of 6, a Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

The Death of Me, Too, 5 of 6, a Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

Lestrade’s stopped in to see how things are going at 221b, and he’s a bit concerned for John’s chances of survival. John is, too, but Sherlock’s perfectly confident and doesn’t appreciate all this doubt. He’s even pulled out his Manual of Exotic Diseases vol. III to check up on John’s symptoms, not to mention sharing his hedgehog.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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The Death of Me, Too, 4 of 6

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

The Death of Me, Too, 4 of 6, a Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

The Death of Me, Too, 4 of 6, a Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

And of course, it being Sherlock, he might be taking this caring thing a little too far. He’s brought oranges, biscuits, more tissues, another blanket, another pillow, a sandwich, and of course some chicken soup. He’s sure he read somewhere that it’s better to feed sick boys their soup so they eat it all, but John’s just not cooperating.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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The Death of Me, Too, 3 of 6

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

The Death of Me, Too, 3 of 6, a Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

The Death of Me, Too, 3 of 6, a Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

Smug Sherlock is smug. John’s got everything an invalid could want, from toast to his otter plushie. He’s sure to be well in no time!

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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The Death of Me, Too, 2 of 6

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

The Death of Me, Too, 2 of 6, a Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

The Death of Me, Too, 2 of 6, a Sherlock comic by Amy Crook

John might be sick, but he’s clever enough to know what will get Sherlock to reciprocate at least a little care, even if it’s just a cup of tea. If there’s one thing Sherlock can’t stand, after all, it’s being told he can’t figure something out.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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