Archive for the ‘People, Figures and Faces’ Category

Sad Simon

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

Sad Simon by Amy Crook

Sad Simon by Amy Crook

I’ve had a few different models over the years, and this was one of the first. I spent several afternoons just taking photos of him, a lot of them in b&w, and used one of them as a reference on this piece. Though my talent was never really in photography, I still have some of those photographs, and his face or figure shows up from time to time in pieces I’m working on.

I remember sitting crosslegged with this page tacked to the wall in front of me, the photo to one side, and only two colors of pastel to use, the very pale blue and dark blue with a tinge of green, to provide shadow and light on the middle blue ground. I used to work like that for hours, and at the end when I finished the piece, there was a fine layer of chalk dust on the carpet right below — oops!

I have given this piece several titles over the years, and this is the one that it seems to come back to. The wistful, pensive expression on Simon’s face matches well with the blue chalks, and doesn’t seem to need extra words to convey its essential meaning.

This piece is fully framed, and ready to hang.

Sad Simon, 19″x25″, pastel on colored paper in metal frame.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Daily Art & Wood Sprite

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

Wood Sprite by Amy Crook

Wood Sprite by Amy Crook

I’m trying an experiment for the rest of April and all of May — daily art posts. I have a ton of art lying around, some of it for sale, some of it not, some if it not suitable to be sold like this handsome fellow who’s on the back of some notes from a client meeting.

This wood sprite is inspired by the beautiful illustrations by Brian Froud in his collaboration with Charles de Lint, The Wild Wood.


Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Cartoon: Skaja Wills

Friday, February 19th, 2010

Skaja Wills, final, by Amy Crook

Skaja Wills, final, by Amy Crook

Ever wondered what it’s like to become a cartoon? Skaja Wills was kind enough to let me share the process with you.


Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Thursday, February 4th, 2010

Precious by Amy Crook

Precious by Amy Crook

Hidden in the abstract red-orange background is the faint outline of a woman looking at her cupped hands. She’s curled around whatever it is she’s holding, the precious object that gives the painting its title. The painting itself is a rich blend of reds and oranges with a loosely painted ochre ‘frame’.

I painted this many years ago, and it’s currently residing above the antique desk in my bedroom. I decided to list it now because the sentiment fit with the holiday season for me, and I feel ready to let it go to a new home.

Precious, 18″x24″, oil on canvas.

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Work in Progress: Fallen Angel

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Fallen Angel by Amy Crook

Fallen Angel by Amy Crook

This piece is mostly done, but then, I thought it was complete many years ago, too. Through some trick of chemistry (I have my suspicions, but there’s no real way to know now) the paint began to flake off, foreground from background in big crackling curls. After a lot of contemplation, I decided I really liked the effect on the wings, but it didn’t go well on the figure — and I like to think my figure painting skills have improved since the first round.

I tried to think of a more original title for the piece, but I always think of an angel cast out of heaven, slowly decaying in the trap he’s fallen into, piece by piece. He’s losing his divinity, but hasn’t quite fully stepped into our reality, either, lacking the warmth and depth of a person.


Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Works In Progress
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