Posts Tagged ‘sold’
Devil and Angel Bookmarks
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015
I sketched these as my art warm-up about 10 days ago, which turned out to be the day’s entire art output because I then entered printer tech support purgatory. Everything’s under warranty, but I could really stand to have had this fixed sometime last week.
I’m not sure why I felt the need to give Sherlock a tentacle tattoo, but as it looks adorable on him, I don’t think it matters. Horns inspired by a rewatch of Monsters Inc.
Devil & Angel bookmarks, pen & ink on parchment cardstock.
Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: bookmark, john watson, nfs, parchment cardstock, pen and ink, sherlock, sherlock bbc, sherlock holmes, sold, watson
Wednesday, July 15th, 2015
A delightful little commission for Caroline, who’s responsible for a lot of the Sherlock art I share with you as well. She wanted something that hinted at Aragron having been around the city when Boromir was just a wee thing, though canonically they didn’t meet then.
Poor Boromir’s just be knocked on his tush for the nth time during training, and Aragorn can’t resist getting in a little dig at their age difference.
Training, 7″x5″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.
Categories: Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: all rights reserved, aragorn, boromir, commission, copic marker, lotr, nfs, pen and ink, sold
Sky Scraped
Wednesday, July 8th, 2015
The subtle blue-green-grey of the sky in this painting was remarkably hard to capture in any of the photos. I love the stormy roil of it, almost pre-tornado as even the clouds look like they’re pouring down to become part of the skyscraper.
There’s a sense of decay in the central image, whether it’s a building half-built and abandoned, or a burnt-out husk just waiting to fall down.
I love the mysterious figure hanging out on a lone girder, rain pounding down all around it.
Who are they, and why are they up there? What do you think?
Sky Scraped, 4″x8″ pen & ink and watercolor on Fluid watercolor paper.
Above, you can see the figure up close, mysterious cloak trailing below like the raggedy tail of some giant crow. Below, the painting rests in a temporary frame, waiting to find its place in the world.
Categories: Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Series and Books, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
Tags: city, nfs, pen and ink, ruins, sold, watercolor
I Hear the Rain
Thursday, July 2nd, 2015
I wembled about this painting a long time — this amazing, dramatic sky sat on my art table for weeks before I drew in the tree, and then weeks more while I waffled about what else it needed.
Finally, I gave in to my gothy heart and drew this gorgeous graveyard, the mysterious silhouettes blending beautifully with the descending torrent of rain.
The painting gets its title from the Violent Femmes song “I Hear the Rain,” which is about being buried in a shallow grave and hearing the rain pound on the earth above you. It seemed apropos.
I Hear the Rain, 8″x4″ pen & ink and watercolor on Fluid watercolor paper.
Above, you can see the way the gorgeously layered rain crashes down through the silhouetted graveyard. Below, the piece is in a temporary frame, just waiting to find a new home.
Categories: Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
Tags: blue, graveyard, horizons, nfs, pen and ink, rain, sold, tree, watercolor
Hanged Man
Wednesday, June 17th, 2015
Sherlock needed some data about upside-down men, so he chose to trap his subject rather than asking.
Sherlock: It’s for an experiment.
Sherlock: I knew you’d never agree, so I set this up to get the data. The case depends on these results!
Sherlock seems to think that “it’s an experiment” excuses all sorts of reprehensible behavior.
This little comic is also a parody of the Hanged Man card in the tarot deck, though John’s legs are backwards from the traditional layout, and of course there is not usually an irritating detective measuring toes. I did keep in the usual primary colors, but swapped them around, giving John a red shirt instead of trousers, and putting the yellow shirt onto Sherlock instead.
Also, John has bee socks. Because reasons. (Bee reasons.)
You can send someone this delightfully weird comic on a card and make their day a little stranger, just buy one in my Etsy shop.
Hanged Man, 5″x7″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.
Categories: Card Design, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: copic marker, etsy, hanged man, john watson, pen and ink, sherlock, sherlock bbc, sherlock holmes, sold, tarot, watson
Monday, June 15th, 2015
I imagine that whoever Bilbo was walking past thought they were paying him a compliment when they told him he looked just like a bilberry. Unfortunately, Bilbo disagreed despite the fact that he’s dressed in blue and purple with his lovely red waistcoat, just like the inside of a ripe bilberry (a relative of the blueberry).
This grumpy hobbit already has a new home, but you can get a card with which to amuse your friends at my Etsy shop.
Bilberry, 5″x7″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.
Categories: Card Design, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: bilbo baggins, copic marker, etsy, hobbit, nfs, pen and ink, sold
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