Posts Tagged ‘spiderweb’

G is for Gothic

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

G is for Gothic, calligraphic illumination by Amy Crook

G is for Gothic, calligraphic illumination by Amy Crook

I have to admit, I went for the pun a bit here, combining the Gothic capital with my own Goth sensibilities. The silver spiderwebs are half-seen until they catch the light, and the burgundy G floats in murky gloom, hanging out with the stripey little spider responsible for its extra decoration.

G is for Gothic, 5″x5″ pen & ink, Japanese watercolor, and glitter gel pen on paper.

G is for Gothic, detail, by Amy Crook

G is for Gothic, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the silver details shining in the bright summer sunlight. Goths in hot weather, anyone? Below, it’s hanging out on a little shelf with the C and my collection of Endless pewter figurines.

G is for Gothic & C is for Counter, framed art by Amy Crook

G is for Gothic & C is for Counter, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Illuminated Alphabet, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange
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Sharpie Week: Spiderweb

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

Sharpie Spiderweb sketch by Amy Crook

Sharpie Spiderweb sketch by Amy Crook

And so Sharpie Week comes to a close on a Goth sort of note, with a little spiderweb out of my sketchbook done in black fine point Sharpie.

I hope you are all having a cool and relaxing Sunday, and that the weather apps aren’t lying to me and today is cool for me, as well. Whew.

Categories: Daily Art, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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Cthulhu & Spider’s Delight Necklaces with Polymath

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Cthulhu Necklace, collaboration with Shannon Henry

Cthulhu Necklace, collaboration with Shannon Henry

They’re almost ready!

Shannon Henry of Polymath Design Lab has been working with me to create a pair of awesome laser-cut necklaces. Cthulhu is in hand-dyed green leather, and the spiderweb (below) is made of black acrylic. We’re taking pre-orders for the first run, which will ship in March.

Check out Cthulhu and Spider’s Delight on Etsy!

Spider's Delight necklace, collaboration with Shannon Henry

Spider’s Delight necklace, collaboration with Shannon Henry

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Whimsical and Strange
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