Posts Tagged ‘weeble’

Weeble Wednesday: Monster Wearing Nurf Shoes

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Monster Wearing Nurf Shoes by Amy Crook

Monster Wearing Nurf Shoes by Amy Crook

Months ago, I attended a teleclass of Havi Brooks’ that also had a chat room to go with it. In the chat room we got off on a tangent of a tangent and were talking about Monsters (aka those critical internal voices) who threw shoes (aka said nasty, unhelpful things), and how nice it would be if those shoes just bounced off harmlessly as though they were made of (ahem) “Nurf.” And I said that I wanted to draw such a phenomenon, and promptly forgot about it for many months, oops!

So, for the first of many Weeble Wednesdays, I bring you a Monster wearing Nurf Shoes! He might toss one at you, but it won’t really hurt, and you can always toss it back.

Monster Wearing Nurf Shoes, 5″x7″ pen & ink with Copic markers on watercolor paper.

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Tentacles, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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Fabeku Fatunmise – Cartoon!

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

Fabeku Fatunmise by Amy Crook

Fabeku Fatunmise by Amy Crook

Fabeku Fatunmise is one of my favorite people on Twitter, he’s just full of good cheer and awesomeness. I’ve downloaded his non-sucky free stuff and really enjoyed it, so when he told me he wanted to be a cartoon, I was all over it! I even traded him part of his fee for another of his downloads, which I love as much as the first one.

Fabeku wanted a weeble, and he asked for his prop to be one of his drums, which he sent me a photo of for reference. A link to the Ramones t-shirt and the shoes, and we were in business. I sketched him up, and after a few changes I inked and we talked about colors (for the record, he’s “pinky medium white guy” colored), and then, result!

I have absolutely no idea how the ninja got in there, though.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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