Archive for the ‘People, Figures and Faces’ Category


Friday, July 9th, 2010

Fallen, top view, by Amy Crook

Fallen, approx. 11″x4″x1.25″ bronze sculpture

I have a whole series of little nude people in singles and pairs, several of which I’ve already sold over the years. Unfortunately this is one instance where my terrible photography skills come into play, since it’s hard for me to capture the nuances of texture and color in these pieces. They were all created in a soft, malleable wax and then cast in bronze using a method that destroys the original, so they’re one of a kind. The color comes from a chemical patina that has slowly developed with age. All of the figures in this series are in the same scale, though many of them have a rather more adult theme — I’m starting tame.

This particular figure always reminded me of a fallen angel, and though I had several ideas for adding wings over the years, I ended up liking him as is. He’s designed to lay on his face on a flat surface, but you can see the front of the figure is fully detailed, below, except for the actual faces, which I left eerily blank. I keep him displayed on a black surface under my glass coffee table, a subtle surprise for anyone who notices it. Not that I have a lot of people over, heh.

Fallen, bottom view, by Amy Crook

Fallen, bottom view, by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books
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Green Angel

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

Green Angel by Amy Crook

Green Angel, 10″x8″ oil painting on canvas, 11.5″x9.5″ framed

This is yet another painting done off a model, from a photo this time of him lounging in bed. I wanted to imagine an angel with butterfly wings, not a tiny fairy but a full man-sized creature, fallen to earth to partake of the pleasures only to be found here. His wings are tattered from his fall but, I hope, still functional, still able to carry him up above if not all the way back from whence he came.

This small oil painting is on stretched canvas and framed in an antiqued silver wooden frame. I have it hanging by the light in my bedroom where I see it as I enter and exit, flicking the switch off and on.

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces, Whimsical and Strange
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Weeble Wednesday: Princess Priscila

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

Princess Priscila by Amy Crook

Princess Priscila by Amy Crook

Belated and busy here, so have a Weeble for Wednesday — this is my friend Priscila, who asked for a fairy princess costume, complete with tiara and magic wand. We based it off Belle from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, but went pink for a bit of personal flair. You can just barely see the properly princessy glass slippers under the hem, too!

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange
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Wood Sprite Flashing

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Wood Sprite Flashing by Amy Crook

Wood Sprite Flashing by Amy Crook

I’ll round out my weekend of naked sketches with this impish little sprite, sitting on a branch and flashing the world. I guess he just didn’t feel like putting leaves anywhere but his hair today.

Mom’s wedding went really smoothly and was lovely, and I survived mostly unscathed, except for a blister on one heel from the new shoes. It was very small and had just immediate family, and nobody dropped anything, not even their lines.

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces
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Nude Man Reaching

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

Nude Man Reaching by Amy Crook

Nude Man Reaching by Amy Crook

Another nude sketch today, his hands & feet are a little out of proportion but I really liked the line his body made in my head, and that’s what I tried hardest to get out onto the paper. Hands and feet are always so fiddly, when I’m just doodling I don’t always want to erase a dozen times to get them right.

Wedding today, wish me luck! Not that I have much to do other than stand around and smile and look awkward in my dress, but I’m getting about socialified out and there’s still a few more days of people in my future before I can go back to my hermit life.

Categories: Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces
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Nude Girl doodle

Friday, June 25th, 2010

Naked Girl doodle by Amy Crook

Naked Girl doodle by Amy Crook

I’m busy with prep for Mom’s wedding, so have doodle! It’s a nude woman curled in a fetal position, looking over her shoulder at something that displeases her. Inspired by any number of iconic anime, tv and movie moments, though they usually do a better job of hiding the nipples. Enjoy!

Categories: Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces
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Thursday, June 24th, 2010

Icon by Amy Crook

Icon, 1″x1″ etching on a 10″x4″ piece of watercolor paper

This is another tiny etching plate, which I inked using a method where the figure, who was etched deep enough to leave an impression in the paper, was inked in yellow, then the plate was wiped mostly clean and the rest of the surface was re-inked in red.

In classical art, yellow is the color of suffering, and of course in modern times we’re all about red for pain and blood. The diluted ink actually bled down the paper a little when it was run through the press, adding to the symbolism.

I actually did a whole series of crucifixion pieces during that time period, though this is definitely the smallest of the lot — the plate itself is only one inch square.

Icon, detail, by Amy Crook

Icon, detail, by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books
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