Posts Tagged ‘for sale’

Winter 2

Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

Winter 2, abstract art by Amy Crook

Winter 2 by Amy Crook

The original Winter has some very soft greenish undertones that play beautifully off the cream of the page. This sequel has violet undertones instead from genuine Amethyst pigment, making it seem icier than its counterpart.

There’s a real, physical sparkle to this painting with the inclusion of salt crystals, but it’s very subtle and mostly evident in the way it interacts with the paint.

The winter also has another feature, a burst of color where it deliberately breaks the invisible border and reaches up toward the sky in its exuberance. Even in the coldness of winter you can find nature’s enthusiasm.

Winter 2, 9″x12″ salt and watercolor on Fluid watercolor paper.

Winter 2, detail, by Amy Crook

Winter 2, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can just see the subtle sparkle of the salt and the beautiful way it interacts with the watercolor mix. Below, you can see the painting with my old glasses for scale.

Winter 2, abstract art by Amy Crook

Winter 2, abstract art by Amy Crook

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Floating Gallery, Series and Books
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Orange Lily

Saturday, July 4th, 2015

Orange Lily by Amy Crook

Orange Lily by Amy Crook

It’s been a very blue month, so let’s celebrate today with some gorgeous orange!

I’ve been wanting to experiment with some more splash-y flowers, and I decided to brighten up this month’s palette with some orange, red, and gold.

The scanner flattened out a lot of the beautiful layering that you can see in the framed and detail photos (which means there won’t be any reprints, so if you want it, get it now!). There’s a cool pinkish red mixed in with the deep and bright oranges and the warm gold, which really gives the impression of peering into an opening flower.

The splash of green brings the image into focus, and the gold in the very middle makes beautiful stamen for this lovely lily.

Orange Lily, 6″x4″ watercolor on Fluid watercolor paper.

Orange Lily, detail, by Amy Crook

Orange Lily, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the beautifully layered oranges, reds, and golds that make this lovely lily so exquisite. Below, it’s been planted in a frame, ready to brighten your home or office.

Orange Lily, framed art by Amy Crook

Orange Lily, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes
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Fairytale Sky 10

Friday, July 3rd, 2015

Fairytale Sky 10 by Amy Crook

Fairytale Sky 10 by Amy Crook

I haven’t added to this series in a while, but sometimes you just want to paint swirly clouds and a big, bright moon.

I was watching Mulan the other day, and I was inspired by the beautiful way the artists rendered smoke in that movie. I’m still wembling about what to do with the sky in another work in progress, so this little painting let me explore both ideas.

I think the result is lovely, don’t you?

Fairytale Sky 10, 6″x4″ Japanese watercolor on Arches cover black paper.

Fairytale Sky 10, detail, by Amy Crook

Fairytale Sky 10, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the moon up close, its softly glowing face full of beautiful texture from the paper. Below, the piece has been put in a tiny frame, perfect to secret in a bookshelf, display on a desk, or add to an array of other art.

Fairytale Sky 10, framed art by Amy Crook

Fairytale Sky 10, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Series and Books
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Monday, June 8th, 2015

Storm/City by Amy Crook

Storm/City by Amy Crook

A dark storm moves in the shadows of this loosely-painted city, sparkling with contained electricity.

J. Herbin’s lovely anniversary ink, Stormy Grey, gives some really gorgeous depth with its gold highlights and dark, layered greys.

I mostly stuck to more traditional city buildings this time around, brush and ink creating the suggestions of windows and towers against the pale page of the sky. I did include the Gherkin building from London, because it’s just really fun to paint. I put it in a lot of my cities!

Storm/City, 6″x4″ J. Herbin ink on Fluid watercolor paper.

Storm/City, detail, by Amy Crook

Storm/City, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the gold catching the light against the dark grey of stormclouds in the shadows. Below, the piece is tucked into a tiny frame, a tempest in a teapot.

Storm/City, framed art by Amy Crook

Storm/City, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Series and Books
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Vampire Bat

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

Vampire Bat by Amy Crook

Vampire Bat by Amy Crook

Continuing in the same vein as Tuesday I have another minimalist brush painting, this time of a big-eared bat. With his swooping wings and giant ears, something about his face makes me think inevitably of Gary Oldman as aged Dracula. Clearly the costumer and I were working from similar inspiration.

I actually had to do this one twice, I dropped the brush onto the paper on the first go, which can be a happy accident in some things, but not this one. I’m actually happier with the second version anyway, so it all works out.

I just want to rub his fuzzy little belly!

Vampire Bat, 7″x5″ brush and ink on paper.

Vampire Bat, detail, by Amy Crook

Vampire Bat, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see all the details in his adorable little face, including the glinting reflection in his eyes. Below, he’s resting in a frame, just waiting to fly over to you.

Vampire Bat, framed art by Amy Crook

Vampire Bat, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Floating Gallery, Whimsical and Strange, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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Thursday, June 4th, 2015

Mistwood by Amy Crook

Mistwood by Amy Crook

This beautiful sheet of Twinrocker Handmade Simon’s Green paper is about 22 years old — I acquired it many years ago when I had a model named Simon, and never found the right use for it. I pulled it out specifically thinking it make an intriguing addition to my Pathways series, and I’m quite pleased with the result.

Strong green spikes rise upward, spreading out into leaves and branches, spreading further into mist and obscurity. Hints of earthy ochre lurk in the depths where surprising blues emerge through the fog. The tops of the trees disappear off the natural deckle edge of the paper, and the whole forest is bowed ever so slightly in some unseen wind.

Mistwood, 24″x18″ watercolor on Twinrocker handmade paper.

Mistwood, detail, by Amy Crook

Mistwood, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see one of the areas of “mist” where the greens break up and fade out in soft layers of color. Below, you can see the dark “trees” with their rich, strong forest colors still intact.

Mistwood, detail, by Amy Crook

Mistwood, detail, by Amy Crook

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Floating Gallery, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Series and Books
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Every Step

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

Every Step by Amy Crook

Every Step by Amy Crook

This painting has a secret! I got some wonderful Noodler’s Blue Ghost UV-reactive ink recently, and unlike the other Aglow paintings, this one hides its message, which reads, “every step that I ran to you.”

The painting itself ranges from the clear blue of a deep lagoon around to the rich greens of jungle plants, with the curl of white sand beach in the middle. Waves of pale paint lap inward until there’s nothing but the paper at the very center. You can’t see a hint of the invisible ink in normal light.

Don’t worry, though, I’ll ship it with a UV keylight so you can always revisit the sweet sentiment.

Every Step, 8″x8″ brush & ink and watercolor on Fluid watercolor paper.

Every Step, detail, by Amy Crook

Every Step, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see a bit of the classified, curving calligraphy lit by the UV glow. Below, the painting is in a frame, the ink truly invisible to the naked eye.

Every Step, framed art by Amy Crook

Every Step, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Floating Gallery, Series and Books
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