Posts Tagged ‘star trek’
Doubly Logical
Thursday, April 10th, 2014
After I drew this birthday card for Tara, I wanted something similar for my Etsy shop, but not exactly the same. I decided to double down on the Spock and add in Spock Prime with a bonus pair of Vulcan salutes. Live Long and Prosper, indeed!
The original sold to my Patron’s List about two seconds after I sent out the email — the advantage of living in the future for my Asian & Aussie people is that they get my midnight emails at a reasonable hour. But you can still get on a greeting card at Etsy, complete with birthday felicitations!
Doubly Logical, pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.

Spock birthday card by Amy Crook on Etsy
Categories: Card Design, Floating Gallery, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: copic marker, etsy, pen and ink, sold, spock, star trek
Calm, Cool, and… yeah
Thursday, March 13th, 2014
I have patrons from the coolest places, y’all. Renee is from Malaysia, and she’s been trying to think of the perfect commission for a while. She wanted something that emphasized the character of each of these three somewhat reluctant heroes, so we decided on the “Calm, Cool, and Collected,” trope. Except that Eleven was a lot of things, but collected really isn’t one of them. Besides, bow ties are cool. Spock epitomizes calm, and Sherlock with his popped collar and his cheekbones is definitely cool, so Eleven helped us out by crossing out his adjective and adding in, “also Cool.”
Although the original is (obviously) sold, Renee has kindly consented to let me put our trio on a card that you can buy in my Etsy shop for you very own trio of heroes.
Calm, Cool, and… yeah, 5″x7″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper.

Spock, Sherlock and Doctor Who card by Amy Crook at Etsy
Categories: Card Design, Completed Commissions, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: all rights reserved, commission, copic marker, doctor who, eleventh doctor, nfs, pen and ink, sherlock, sherlock bbc, sherlock holmes, spock, star trek
Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

Felicitations, a Star Trek parody comic
by Amy Crook for Tara Swiger
This commission was so fun! Tara Swiger came to me wanting a Trekkie birthday card with a Tara sort of twist, and we passed ideas back and forth via email until this finally gelled.
Spock’s holding a gift in what I think of as Tara colors, though really her pink is usually even brighter, and Picard’s got his usual “make it so” hand gesture going on. It was kind of fun mixing eras, too (though technically Spock did show up on Next Generation, he wasn’t in his TOS uniform). A little logic, a little illogic, and a lot of fangirl glee went into the image!
After Tara got her original in the mail, she sent me this fun little quote to share with you:
Hoorah! I just got my custom illustration in the mail (Amy sent the ORIGINAL! So fancy!) and it is so perfect!
I requested a customer birthday card, something funny + sweet to send Captains on their birthday. Amy helped me come up with the perfect idea, because I was a bit foggy about what I wanted.
I love that she got the geekery and she’s clever enough to make it funny.Amy’s super-easy to work with (this is my second custom order!) and I’ve been nervous (I have NO idea what’s involved), but she makes it easy!
If you’d like an illustration of your very own, just email me to get started!
Categories: Card Design, Completed Commissions, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: all rights reserved, birthday, commission, copic marker, nfs, pen and ink, picard, spock, star trek, tara swiger
Live Long and Prosper
Friday, May 10th, 2013

Live Long and Prosper, Star Trek fan art by Amy Crook
I’ve decided to start pricing my fan art using my own formula for commissions, which makes it much easier on me (and you!) to figure out how much stuff should be. I drew up this Spock intending to use him on some promo bookmarks to go in Etsy packages, though I haven’t printed any yet. I rather enjoy his little cartoon LLAP sign, though. Fingers, shmingers, he’s got as many as he needs!
Live Long and Prosper, 5″x7″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper, nfs (sold).

Live Long and Prosper, detail, by Amy Crook
Above, you can see Spock and his raised eyebrow and cute little paw-hand up close and personal. Below, he’s in a frame with a chibi version of himself. Because of reasons.

Live Long and Prosper, framed art by Amy Crook
Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: copic marker, nfs, pen and ink, sold, spock, star trek
No Resemblance
Monday, April 29th, 2013

No Resemblance, a Spock & Sherlock comic
by Amy Crook
This little comic was suggested to me on Twitter back in November, and it’s taken me this long to get around to drawing it. The two tall, slender, logical, dark-haired men don’t see any resemblance, but I’m guessing you do.
Random artist trivia: normally I’m very good at spelling, but I have some sort of mental block with the a in “resemblance,” and keep spelling it with all ‘e’s and having to fix it, including in the pencils for the comic. Good thing I decided to spell check myself!
No Resemblance, 5″x7″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper, nfs (sold).

No Resemblance, detail, by Amy Crook
Above, you can see how I’ve given them very similar features, down to the hair color and eyebrow lift. Below, I’ve tucked them into a frame with Sherlock’s skull, which I’m sure Spock would find fascinating.

No Resemblance, framed art by Amy Crook
Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: copic marker, nfs, parody, pen and ink, sherlock, sherlock bbc, sherlock holmes, sold, spock, star trek
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