Archive for the ‘People, Figures and Faces’ Category

Naomi’s Ninjas

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Naomi's Ninjas by Amy Crook

Naomi's Ninjas by Amy Crook

Naomi Dunford of Ittybiz has ninjas. That’s right, she’s cooler than all of us, and you don’t even know why yet. A while back, I drew up these little weeble ninjas for the exclusive* use of her Ninjas, who have helped me out several times without having to call in Naomi herself.

Today’s Naomi’s birthday! Well, March 8, who knows when you’re reading this.

As a little gift from the internet, we’re all supposed to be posting about how awesome Naomi is, and how she’s helped us along our path to Ittybiz awesomeness.

I’m in a slightly different position than most of the people she’s helped — my day job was already working at home, already freelance. What happened to me was that the recession hurt my biggest client, and that hurt my ability to pay the rent, and then I discovered Naomi and learned a whole lot about marketing in a short period of time. I’d been spoiled by my early success (I went freelance in 1998 and have had steady work from my biggest client the whole time), and having to suddenly market in order to get work was an unpleasant wakeup.

Naomi made that suck a lot less.

She encouraged me to find in-person ways to network. She answered questions, did SpeakEasy lessons on the things that baffled me, and even helped me plan the art sale that paid for me to attend my Mom’s wedding last year. She’s got a no-bullshit attitude about getting off your ass and getting things done, and without her, I’m not sure I’d have stopped making excuses and started up the site you’re reading this on right now.

Happy Birthday, Naomi. Thank you.

*That means they’re not available under Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution, all rights are reserved for the Ninjas.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Things I'm a Fan Of
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J is for John

Monday, March 7th, 2011

J is for John by Amy Crook

J is for John by Amy Crook

My second Sherlock Holmes/Edward Gorey pastiche, this one is based off of “J is for James who took lye by mistake” from The Gashlycrumb Tinies and BBC’s new Sherlock tv series.

Click the image if you’d like to really see the ridiculously obsessive line work — the wallpaper was particularly labor-intensive, and I have no one but myself to blame. I’ve been in a mood lately to do work like this, that involves a lot of tiny pen-and-ink details, and unlike similar attempts when I was younger, I find it rather meditative now. I often put on audio recordings and just sit and let the two things filter into my brain, though there are frequent breaks to IM friends and goof off online, not to mention stretching my back and resting my poor hand.

Now that I’ve got the techniques down, I have to figure out what I can do with them that isn’t a parody, pastiche or plain old copy, though.

J is for John who took lye by mistake, 8.5″x5″ pen and ink on sketchbook paper, sold.

You can still get the pair of them as handmade blank greeting cards on Etsy, though!

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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S is for Sherlock

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

S is for Sherlock by Amy Crook

S is for Sherlock by Amy Crook

Edward Gorey’s The Gashlycrumb Tinies is my absolute favourite of works — I get to die first, after all — and so when I was experimenting with my Micron pens the urge to parody BBC’s new Sherlock by mashing up the two was irresistible.

Click the image if you’d like to really see the ridiculously obsessive line work, or just enjoy the smaller version where it all blends into a texture.

I decided to combine the pose from “S is for Susan who perished of fits” and the caption and setting from “N is for Neville who died of ennui” in order to capture the essence of modern Sherlock in his state of utter boredom. The window isn’t precisely true to the show (there’s an ornate railing of some kind outside, and curtains), but I really liked the boring brickwork from the N page, so I copied that faithfully and tediously.

I never really thought I’d learn to like shading in such a time-consuming style, but I’m already thinking about other ways I can make use of it. I’ve already got plans to do a companion piece to this for poor John, since Gorey set me up so very well with “J is for James who took lye by mistake.”

S is for Sherlock who died of ennui, 8.5″x6.5″ pen and ink on sketchbook paper, sold.

You can still get the pair of them as handmade blank greeting cards on Etsy, though!

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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Weeble Wednesday: Revenge of Son of More Coloring Book Doodles

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Weeble Dracula sketch by Amy Crook

Weeble Dracula sketch by Amy Crook

Weeble Sherlock sketch by Amy Crook

Weeble Sherlock sketch by Amy Crook

Happy Wednesday!

I haven’t finished any new proper weebles in a bit, I’m running low on a couple of markers & haven’t had a chance to buy ink refills. These are a couple of doodles I sketched in people’s coloring books for Etsy.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Resplendent Ennui

Friday, February 11th, 2011

Resplendent Ennui, panel 1, by Amy Crook
Resplendent Ennui, panel 2, by Amy Crook

Resplendent Ennui, panel 3, by Amy Crook

Resplendent Ennui, panel 4, by Amy Crook

Resplendent Ennui, panel 5, by Amy Crook

Resplendent Ennui, panel 6, by Amy Crook

Resplendent Ennui, a Sherlock comic, by Amy Crook

More silly Sherlock cartoons. I spent some time with this exploring a new style, the idea of repeating panels, the textural shading I could do with my snazzy new Micron pen set, and sleep deprivation. Enjoy!

If you’d like a print of this comic (the originals are already gone, yay!), you can pick one up at my Etsy shop.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Cartoon Sherlock & John

Friday, February 4th, 2011

Cartoon Sherlock & John by Amy Crook

Cartoon Sherlock & John by Amy Crook

I think we all need to accept right now that, for the next while, whenever I’m not sure what to draw for an art post, it’ll be characters from the BBC’s Sherlock. (Also that I’m a serial comma abuser.)

This was done last night about midnight on my teeny tiny bedside sketchbook, as an experiment with drawing some cartoons that were a bit easier to pose than weebles but just as cute and cartoonish. Expect to see a revisit of these two doing ridiculous things in future posts. I just got some new Micron pens, and these seem like they’d be a perfect fit.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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John Watson

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

John Watson by Amy Crook

John Watson by Amy Crook

During the opening of the first episode of the BBC’s new Sherlock, there’s a scene of John Watson sitting, back straight, staring blankly out into the darkness of the room. I wanted to try to capture that moment here, and so I found some screencaps and drew up this rather detailed sketch.

It’s funny how many little details it takes to make a person recognizable — after the first draft, I scanned the sketch and laid it over the original screencap in Photoshop and looked at all the little places that needed to change. The curve of the nose and chin, the angle of the lines of the forehead, the placement of this shadow and that highlight — nothing big, but once I went through and made the changes, the drawing coalesced from ‘a random guy staring off into space’ and into what, at least to me, is recognizably John (as played by Martin Freeman).

I admit I cheated a little when I scanned him in the second time and gave him a much bigger expanse of space to stare aimlessly off into than he has in my sketchbook (not to mention cleaning up all the finger-smudges in the white). I wanted to give a sense of how the image was in the show, which was incredibly well-shot with gorgeous composition and cinematography throughout.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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