Archive for the ‘People, Figures and Faces’ Category

Cartoon: Heidi Dobbs

Friday, August 27th, 2010

Heidi Dobbs by Amy Crook

Heidi Dobbs by Amy Crook

Friday brings us one more new cartoon, the lovely Heidi Dobbs! We had fun with color on her cartoon in a different way than Linda’s — we made her clothes a quiet black but she had me give her the fiery hair she wishes she could have! We also took her dog’s favorite snuggly chair and made it a nice robin’s egg blue, a color that wouldn’t stand up to the dog in real life, but makes a wonderful backdrop to her awesome locks in her cartoon.

Thanks for coming along on my week of cartoons! This weekend I’ll post a few people that aren’t new, but haven’t been up on this site before.

Remember, if you want to be a Cartoon, it’s just $79! My list of cartoons-to-be is filling up wonderfully, and I’m always excited to get a new cartoon client in the queue.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Weeble Wednesday: Me!

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

Amy Crook cartoon by Amy Crook

Amy Crook cartoon by Amy Crook

Last but not least of the six cartoons I did of a group of my friends, I bring you — me! I personally rather like being a weeble, it gives me lots of freedom to do things like make my hair even longer, and wear t-shirts I don’t actually own. I do, however, own the pyjama pants, and they are just as awesome as you think they are.

And no, I still won’t explain the bunny ears.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books
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Cartoon: Linda Esposito, version 2

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Linda Esposito, version 2, by Amy Crook

Linda Esposito, version 2, by Amy Crook

When Linda and I talked about colors for her cartoons, she asked for greens and olives to match her website, but she added a little postscript saying that if she had her way, it’d be eggplant and tangerine! So I suggested we do one of each, since she’d already decided to keep both.

I had this great light orange marker that made the couch surprisingly warm and inviting, especially when we added the rusty orange and blood red pillows, but managed to be subdued enough not to overwhelm the figure entirely. I gave it nice dark wood to frame it, and then Linda herself got to wear the deep purpley-blue that was as close as I had to a proper eggplant.

All in all, though it’s the same person, her first cartoon will serve her well on her website and in a more professional capacity, while this one gives her something fun and unexpected that still has ‘her’ written all over it.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Cartoon: Linda Esposito, version 1

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Linda Esposito, version 1, by Amy Crook

Linda Esposito, version 1, by Amy Crook

When the wonderful Linda Esposito of Talk Therapy Biz took me up on getting herself turned into a cartoon, I’m pretty sure she didn’t expect to get two! The one she asked for was the one above, something in greens and browns with a professional feel to it to complement her site. When I was actually doing her sketch, I couldn’t find her email at first with the pose request, so I doodled up an entirely different cartoon of her (I’ll post that one tomorrow) before digging up the “right” pose.

I couldn’t resist showing her both ideas, though, and I was thrilled when she decided to get cartooned twice! She’s been wonderfully patient with this summer’s mad delays, and I’m really happy that she’s finally got her cartoons to show for it.

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Snuggly Feet

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

Snuggy Feet sketch by Amy Crook

Snuggy Feet sketch by Amy Crook

Just a little pencil sketch for the weekend, it’s two people cuddling though the foreshortening on the leftmost foot rather suggests a third very small-footed party has snuck in. Alas, that’s what I get for working from photo references.

Also, feet are a pain to draw.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Friday, August 20th, 2010

Identify, detail, by Amy Crook

Identify, detail, by Amy Crook

I thought I might end Friday with a monoprint in 2 panels, a 2-by-6 inch one allowing the figure to reach past the 4-by-6 inch frame she’s in, making the whole image 6 inches square. Although this print originally had a different title, I chose to change it to “Identify” because it works on several levels. Female nudity is becoming ubiquitous in our culture, but at the same time it’s still both highly fetishized and reviled. By masking the identity of the woman in the image, she’s both reduced to an object, and protected from the viewer’s scorn. In addition, it invites the viewer to identify with the subject, to find points of commonality despite her vulnerable-yet-anonymous position.

Identify, 6″x6″ monoprint on 11″x11″ watercolor paper, $399 with free shipping.

Categories: Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces
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Not Late for Anything

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Not Late for Anything by Amy Crook

Not Late for Anything by Amy Crook

This print uses several techniques, layering the two sheets of imported paper, black on a creamy natural white, and then adding silver ink in the form of 4 separate images — 3 rubber stamps around the borders, and the central monoprint. All of the images were printed in silver oil-based etching in, because the black paper wouldn’t allow the translucent water-based monoprint inks to show up. In addition, the paper didn’t allow the image to fully print, some of the fibers rejecting the ink entirely, leaving the figure with a shadowy, deaths-head appearance.

In the upper right, I re-used the same silver sun from Sea, and then we have the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland on the lower left, and a Winnie the Pooh stamp on the lower right. Pooh stands hand-in-hand with Christopher Robin, along with the quote, “The Forest will always be there… and anybody who is Friendly with Bears can find it.”

I wanted to give the image of someone basking in the sun, eyes closed, taking a moment before moving on to whatever the next thing is, whether it’s another day’s work, the Red Queen’s Court, the Forest, or whatever lies beyond the fields we know.

Not Late for Anything, 31″x23″ monoprint, rubber stamp & chine collé on imported paper, $499 with free shipping.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Things I'm a Fan Of, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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