Posts Tagged ‘calligraphy’

Make Good Art

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Make Good Art calligraphic painting by Amy Crook

Make Good Art calligraphic painting by Amy Crook

Although I think many people have said this before (including several of my prior art teachers), it’s come most recently from Neil Gaiman. I also find the advice later on about freelancing to be very good and very true — to paraphrase, you must do good work, be on time, and be pleasant, and people will continue to hire you; actually, two out of three will do, most days. And thank goodness for that, because some days all three is more than anyone can manage.

I made this very pink wash when I was mucking about with my red palette of Japanese watercolors, going from the color that is almost exactly the same as the Orchid crayon in my childhood set, through a bright fuchsia pink and on to a lovely deep burgundy. I used my poor abused fountain pen to scribble in the lettering, then took my water brush and blurred it out, which gives an interesting effect, especially in the capitals. Next came the gold glitter paint in the letters, and I left it overnight to figure out what more it needed.

It needed tentacles, of course!

I finally found the fourth palette from the same set, which is six different shades of almost-black, so I took the rich plum-purple one and made a row of tentacles reaching up to tease at the lettering. Then, to balance it, I added the gold filigree at the top, and it finally felt done.

My mental narrative for it is a bit like, “Glimpse of the golden vines of Olympus? Make good art! Chased by tentacles from the Depths? Make good art!”

So, that’s my message for you this Monday – whatever form it takes, whatever inspires you, today, make good art.

Make Good Art, 8″x4″ Japanese watercolor, pen & ink, and glitter gel pen on Fluid watercolor paper on paper.

Make Good Art, detail 1, by Amy Crook

Make Good Art, detail 1, by Amy Crook

This is one of those pieces that’s very different depending on the lighting; the gold almost vanishes when it’s in low light, but it stands out beautifully when the sun hits it, and the thicker paint on the tentacles also has a bit of a gloss here and there. Below, you can see the effect just on the word “Art.”

And for those of you that’ve read this far, have a wallpaper of the above image, with my gloved fingers sneakily Photoshopped out.

Make Good Art, detail 2, by Amy Crook

Make Good Art, detail 2, by Amy Crook

I put it in a temporary frame so you can see the scale. Given the odd size, you may want to have it custom framed, or put it on a piece of mat board in a larger frame the way I’ve got it shown below.

Make Good Art, framed, by Amy Crook

Make Good Art, framed, by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Free Wallpapers, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange, Words Words Words
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A is for Arabesque

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

A is for Arabesque, calligraphic illumination by Amy Crook

A is for Arabesque, calligraphic illumination by Amy Crook

I’ve begun a new series, though this one I can guarantee has a specifically limited lifespan. I’ve decided to do an illuminated alphabet, using pen and ink for the lines, watercolor for the fills, and glitter gel pen in lieu of gold leaf.

The first in my series is, of course, A, the awesomest letter in the alphabet. A is for Amy who fell down the stairs, after all, at least according to Gorey. A is also for arabesque, in this case referring to the graceful design motif, usually of acanthus leaves, used to decorate all sorts of things from calligraphy to mosques. My blue glittery acanthus are spiraling in the background of this grand periwinkle A. I’ve decided to do each letter with some sort of design or typographical motif represented, so let’s hope I can find something for that other end of the alphabet where things get tricksy.

B and C are already chosen, anyway.

I’m planning to post these once a week, so it will take six months for the series to be done, give or take a few weeks off for bookmarks or Sharpie art.

A is for Arabesque, 5″x5″ watercolor, pen and ink and glitter gel pen on paper.

A is for Arabesque, detail, by Amy Crook

A is for Arabesque, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the sun catching the glitter and making it shine much brighter than the paper (which really is white, I swear). Below, I’ve got it tucked into a frame and hanging out with the J on the shelf with some of my many, many books.

A is for Arabesque & J is for Juxtapose, framed art by Amy Crook

A is for Arabesque & J is for Juxtapose, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Illuminated Alphabet, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange
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Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Pomegranate watercolor by Amy Crook

Pomegranate watercolor by Amy Crook

This would be one of the pieces full of little tiny spirals (as were both this week’s prior art posts, really) that caused me to Instagram my poor ace-bandaged wrist instead of posting art on Saturday. Well, this combined with a work project that involved a lot of sustained precision trackpad work, anyway. Two things that really don’t go together, apparently!

Speaking of things that caused me trouble, it’s very hard to find a good quote about pomegranates not from the Bible. I was very pleased to finally find this quote from a translation of Homer, though I swear pomegranates figured in more stuff in English class.

I originally painted this as another mostly-circular wash, but when the shape and color started to become decidedly pomegranate-like, I embraced it. The spirals are like the seeds, to me, the mystery hiding inside the lovely fruit. The quote came last, and as you can see below, the word “glows” was done with two shades of red and a nice little smear to create a halo.

Pomegranate, 7″x5″ pen & ink and watercolor on paper.

Pomegranate, detail 1, by Amy Crook

Pomegranate, detail 1, by Amy Crook

Above, the glow, both in the inner line work of a brighter red, and the soft pink smear around it created by running an eraser over the still-wet ink. Below, you can see a close-up of the spirals and the way the burgundy ink interacts with the various shades of watercolor beneath it.

Pomegranate, detail 2, by Amy Crook

Pomegranate, detail 2, by Amy Crook

And finally here what it looks like in a frame, just waiting to bring a bit of glowing mystery to your home, or the corner of your office. The frame isn’t included, but I’m happy to add it in for a small additional fee.

Pomegranate, framed art by Amy Crook

Pomegranate, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Whimsical and Strange, Words Words Words
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Abandon All Hope

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Abandon All Hope print by Amy Crook

Abandon All Hope print by Amy Crook

A perfect message for your Monday, really, this print reads:

Ye Who Enter Here*

*If you have already abandoned all
hope, please disregard this notice.

I saw this quote on a LOLcat ages ago, which of course I totally failed to bookmark, and made a digital poster of it. I could never quite bring myself to list it in my Etsy shop, however, and I think that was because it just wasn’t really my style. So, I took watercolor and Sharpie marker and remade it by hand with scribbly Amy-style Sharpie calligraphy, and I liked it so much I’m keeping the original.

Abandon All Hope, 8″x10″ watercolor and Sharpie Marker on paper, not for sale. However, prints are available at my Etsy shop.

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Words Words Words
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ATC: Flourish

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Flourish, artist trading card by Amy Crook

Flourish, artist trading card by Amy Crook

I still have a bunch in my pack of Artist Trading Cards, so I decided to pull one out and just doodle a bit. Once I’d drawn in the little vine pattern in the corner, the word “flourish” sprung to mind so I went ahead and wrote it in messy calligraphy. Then I got out a brush and, using water and the ink already on the card, I smoothed out the shapes, and even ‘painted’ some new ones.

The whole thing has a feel of decorative whimsy, which goes quite well with the idea of adding flourishes, and also of flourishing in a more personal sense, at least for me. A life without whimsy or decoration would be awfully boring, after all.

Flourish, 3.5″x2.5″ ink on paper, nfs (but available for trading).

We actually had some sunshine this morning, so I took a photo and got a slightly better view of the very pale details in the middle of the card.

Flourish artist trading card, detail, by Amy Crook

Flourish, detail, by Amy Crook

If you’re an artist who makes ATCs of your own, and are coveting this one, let me know!

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art
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A Murder of Crows

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

A Murder of Crows, art by Amy Crook

A Murder of Crows by Amy Crook

This piece uses several different techniques together but really just one pen, although I did go back in and add just a hint of color to the shadowy, sunlit crows in their flight. I’m very pleased with the overall effect, which makes me think of a cover or title page to some mystery novel or horror story. There’s even 13 crows in my murder to make it extra spooky.

A Murder of Crows, 6″x6″ pen & ink and salt on watercolor paper.

I like the way the salt is nearly invisible until the sunlight hits it, adding sparkle and color to an otherwise monochrome image.

A Murder of Crows, detail 1, by Amy Crook

A Murder of Crows, detail 1, by Amy Crook

The curving edges on each bird were partially created by the puddles of inky salt water, an imprecise process at best, which helps to give them a sense of being backed and blurred by strong sunlight.

A Murder of Crows, detail 2, by Amy Crook

A Murder of Crows, detail 2, by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Whimsical and Strange
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