Posts Tagged ‘pencil’

Deplorable Figurine

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

Deplorable Figurine, sketch by Amy Crook

Deplorable Figurine by Amy Crook

This morbid little doll started as a midnight sketch, just a few loose lines and the name scrawled on the page. It took me a few weeks to get back and fill in her tiny hands, stitched-together body, and the extra-creepy details on her face. Though I never went quite this far, I totally used to draw elaborate eyeliner designs on myself when I was an earnest young Goth. Ah, the olden days, when I gave a crap enough to wear makeup.

Deplorable Figurine, 5.5″x8.5″ pencil on sketch paper, not for sale.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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Weeble Wednesday: Me 3

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

Cartoon self-portrait by Amy Crook

Weeble self-portrait by Amy Crook

Weeble Wednesday brings you more me! My red dye is fading, and I decided to do a new one to reflect my current style. Of course, I’ll have to ditch the cardigan and boots now that the weather’s warmed up, but nothing’s perfect, right?

I think this is my most accurate cartoon-me to date — as I was working on it, I actually pulled up some photos and realized that I have very sarcastic eyebrows. I suppose one needs to be naturally good at something, right?

I couldn’t figure out what I wanted the shirt to say, and I’m happy to take suggestions. I want something clever but work safe, which nixed most of my ideas one way or the other.

If you want to be a cartoon yourself, you can click here to get your very own weeble, chibi, fairy or just silly cartoon!

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Tentacles
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Starship Craftybiz 01A

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Starship Craftybiz 01A, commissioned drawing by Amy Crook

Starship Craftybiz 01A by Amy Crook (commission)

I couldn’t help but be excited when Tara Swiger, one of my favorite smart people on the internet, asked me to help draw up a starship to help represent her awesome new thing. We talked a little bit about what she was going for, and since she wanted to use it for a bunch of smallish stuff on the internet (like the button below), we decided to go for a combination of coloring book and technical drawing — not too much detail, but with a definite “drawing board” feeling that works with her program.

I got an Early Boarding Pass to the Craftybiz Starship Adventure because I’d taken a lot of her classes and found them really helpful to me, as I’ve begun to build my own business (and especially my Etsy shop). She concentrates on things like figuring out your pricing, where and what to sell, and who to sell it to (hint: it’s people who want your unique thing and have money for it), and leaves the technical business details for others. And yes, all these snazzy links are affiliate links, which means I get a percentage, but I’d give her a glowing review anyway — Tara’s just that cool.

Also, she was an amazing client to work with, clear on what she wanted and good at conveying it, and enthusiastic over the results. A win for everyone!

“Working with Amy was so much easier than I could have hoped for. I was nervous, because this she’s the first illustrator I’ve ever hired. But the process was simple, her illustration was spot on what I had requested, and she made me feel comfortable through the entire thing. Oh, and it was speedy! I had a short window and Amy didn’t leave me waiting.

“Thanks Amy, for making this adventure full of ease and downright fun, I’ll definitely be back for more!”

-Tara Swiger

Here’s the most excellent button she made out of her starship (see how well it shrunk?), and yes, yet another affiliate link:

Starship Adventure with Tara Swiger

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art
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The Fool sketch

Saturday, May 7th, 2011

The Fool sketch by Amy Crook

The Fool sketch by Amy Crook

Ages ago, a friend of mine was getting his artist friends to draw/paint interpretations of the Fool tarot card. I painted a background on a little 3×5 piece of canvas board, and then forgot all about finishing it for one reason or another. The other day I pulled out the old background and was contemplating adding in a figure properly. When I decided to sketch it out, I was amused to find that what came to mind was the iPod-wearing, oblivious hipster you see above.

Categories: Daily Art
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The 11th Doctor

Saturday, April 30th, 2011

The 11th Doctor cartoon sketch by Amy Crook

The 11th Doctor by Amy Crook

After all the time I’ve spent drawing cartoon Sherlock and Watson, I decided to go ahead and do Moffat’s other cheekbone-powered character, Doctor Who. The 11th Doctor was similar enough to Sherlock in features to give me a good starting point, but different enough to make it fun.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Sherlock – Oh!

Saturday, April 23rd, 2011

Sherlock Oh! sketch by Amy Crook

Sherlock Oh! by Amy Crook

I offered sketches to people the other day on my Twitter, and one of my friends asked for something with the dear Mr. Holmes from BBC’s Sherlock series. I decided to draw him having one of his epiphanies, mainly because I find drawing his coat to be great fun. He’s not quite as attenuated as he is in other cartoons I’ve done of him, which is probably for the better — he’s only six feet tall, after all, not exactly Jack Skellington, despite the occasional resemblance.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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WIP: Zombie Crayons

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Zombie Crayons work in progress by Amy Crook

Zombie Crayons work in progress by Amy Crook

I spent several hours this weekend making art and managed not to really finish anything suitable for posting, oops! Here’s a sketch for my upcoming Zombie Family Coloring Book, an idea of how zombie kids might play with crayons. Note that, like all good zombies, she’s drawing her favorite thing – brains!

Categories: Daily Art, Works In Progress, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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