Blog « Antemortem Arts | Art & Writing by Amy Crook

Minion MWAH!

Posted on September 5th, 2013

Minion MWAH! fan art comic by Amy Crook

Minion MWAH! fan art comic by Amy Crook

Inspired by this ridiculous gif, I felt the need to do some Minions all on their own. I swear I was going to start holiday cards, but I couldn’t resist! I suppose you could put some mistletoe above him and call it a Christmas card, heh.

I thought he was too plain all by himself, so after I penciled in the giant MWAH! I decided to add some extra Minion shenanigans across the top. My favorite is the one sticking is tongue out, of course.

You can get one to send to all your friends here at my Etsy shop.

Minion MWAH! blank greeting card by Amy Crook on Etsy

Minion MWAH! blank greeting card by Amy Crook on Etsy

Categories: Card Design, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
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A Series of Uncanny Fears: Behind You

Posted on September 4th, 2013

A Series of Uncanny Fears: Behind You, pen and ink art by Amy Crook

A Series of Uncanny Fears: Behind You
pen and ink art by Amy Crook

Tentacles have crept their way into A Series of Uncanny Fears! It only took me 3 pieces to do it, predictably. This is the first one with an explicit person in it; there’s a lump in the bedclothes and a handprint on the mirror, but we finally see someone’s actual hair here. I was torn at first about putting someone in it, but I think the little bit of humanity peeking up over the edge of the spiral-patterned chair adds to the neck-ruffling feeling of creepiness.

A Series of Uncanny Fears: Behind You, 5″x7″ pen & ink on paper.

A Series of Uncanny Fears: Behind You, detail, by Amy Crook

A Series of Uncanny Fears: Behind You, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see an update of the creeping tentacles and the backlit head of unruly hair that is their goal. Below, you can see the piece in a frame with its brethren. I hope to add two more pieces to this series next month, too.

A Series of Uncanny Fears, 3 pieces of framed art by Amy Crook

A Series of Uncanny Fears, 3 pieces of framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Floating Gallery, Series and Books, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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The Power of Poddles

Posted on September 3rd, 2013

the least-blurry photo I could get of a very wriggly Podsworth

the least-blurry photo I could get of a very wriggly Podsworth

I have found a most excellent way to help stave off the afternoon sleepies! This won’t work for everyone, because not everyone has a cat who deserves this sort of treatment*, but it works for me.

First, I find Pod** where he is sleeping on top of the cat tree. Then I acquire him, protesting, and carry him to the bedroom, where we lay down in bed and have cuddles of dubious consent. He purrs and rubs his head into the petting and then leaves as soon as possible, but it’s a very nice restful, quiet minute or two.

The funny thing is that now, after doing this for a while, he still makes his break for freedom, but after a moment of staring out the window to make sure the squirrels and/or crows aren’t in attendance, he comes back. Having proven that he is above the cuddles, he demands… more cuddles.

Poddleston, Poddleston, Poddleston Pie
A fly can’t bird but a bird can fly
Ask me a riddle and I reply
Poddleston, Poddleston, Poddleston Pie***

It’s a really nice way to get a bit of rejuvenation in a short period of time, and also harass my cat. Who deserves it.****

*I don’t do this with Belladonna, because she is not a fucker who deserves naptime interruptions, and also doesn’t enjoy it as much.
**His actual name is Pteropodidae, in case you were curious.
***Horribly misquoted from Winnie the Pooh
****No, seriously, he’s a total fucker when he’s awake.

PPS – Yes, this is what it’s like in my brain, aren’t you glad you get to see more of it?

Categories: Whimsical and Strange, Words Words Words


Posted on September 2nd, 2013

Edges, abstract art by Amy Crook

Edges, abstract art by Amy Crook

Something bright and cheerful for your Monday, whether you’re working or have a day off like many Americans. I’m putting a selection of the new pieces on the blog this week, but there’s even more art at the Floating Gallery and it’s only available until next Sunday!

I had a piece of 10″x8″ watercolor paper that I made a background on in bright yellow, green and darker green, using a spray bottle to make the fascinating layered shapes with their fractal borders like fjords. I used pen & ink on this piece a bit haphazardly at first, and what I ended up with was a work of art that just wasn’t working with itself. So, I girded my loins and got out my tear bar and tore it in half, then took a bit off each piece to end up with two 5″x7″ works of art, and a couple of bookmarks. All of the pieces then got some more work, and Edges is one of the results, the right half of the original.

Edges, 5″x7″ pen & ink and watercolor on watercolor paper.

Edges, detail, by Amy Crook

Edges, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the little critter I doodled in one corner where the edges seemed to suggest him. He’s smaller than a dime, and says pbth on your size issues. Below, speaking of size issues, you can see the piece in a frame with my iPhone, so you can appreciate the size it ended up.

Edges, framed art by Amy Crook

Edges, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Floating Gallery, Whimsical and Strange
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The Art Shop closes tonight!

Posted on August 31st, 2013

Old Friends Who've Just Met, Muppets fan art by Amy CrookIf you were thinking of getting anything in my big Art Shop, tonight’s your last chance! I’m taking all those works off the market tonight, and moving in the Floating Gallery* tomorrow.

The Etsy Shop is sticking around

I’ll still sell my greeting cards at Etsy all month long, and I’m already hard at work on new things for the holidays. I’m just changing the way I sell original art on the site.

The Floating Gallery is an experiment

So if you’ve got questions, comments or just want to chat about art, tentacles, or kittens, email me. I’m totally open to your thoughts! Especially about tentacles.

And just to say it again, in case you don’t read subject lines…

The Old Art Shop closes TONIGHT! IS CLOSED!

*If it’s after the 8th of the month, the Floating Gallery is closed until the 1st of next month.

Categories: Words Words Words

Scotty Gets Minions

Posted on August 30th, 2013

Scotty Gets Minions, mashup fan art by Amy Crook

Scotty Gets Minions, mashup fan art by Amy Crook

It’s another Minion mashup! This time Keenser gets to enjoy not being the shortest guy in Engineering now that he’s found these useful little yellow guys to assist. Scotty isn’t so sure about this.

Scotty is probably right.

You can share his sentiment on a card from my Etsy shop, of course.

Scotty Gets Minions, blank greeting card by Amy Crook at Etsy

Scotty Gets Minions, blank greeting card by Amy Crook at Etsy

Categories: Card Design, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Mischievous Minions

Posted on August 28th, 2013

Warning: This blog post will contain spoilers for Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2.

this is a sneak preview of future minion artIf I had to choose a single word for my feelings about the Minions from Despicable Me it would be delighted. They’re not particularly good, or particularly competent, but something about them just makes me smile.

In fact, the best phrase I came up with to describe them was, “innocently evil.” They’re so gleeful when they’re trying to one-up each other, but they love ice cream and bananas and silly costumes. They’ll punch and poke and push one another just to amuse themselves, but they also don’t seem to much mind when they meet with misfortune. They just grin and go along with it, though blowing one another up will be met with glares and possibly a punch in the arm from the soot-stained, injured party.

The TARDIS has MinionsThey’re so wonderfully juvenile, too. They giggle over “Ramsbottom.” They’re totally unsympathetic with one another. They slap-fight and swipe things from each other and ask for goodnight kisses. They’re like a little yellow refinement of childhood, with all the boundless enthusiasm and none of the screaming tantrums. And just like kids*, Gru remembers each and every one of their totally mundane names, while to everyone else they pretty much all look alike.

Even Gru’s occasionally mystified by them, like the scene where they’re working on antigravity serum and Gru looks up and there’s a bunch of them happily stuck to the ceiling, waving down at him. I love how Nefario’s all, “Oops, I meant to close that,” when the one floats off, and yet, no one does anything about rescuing him, though he shows up several times later. But the one that gets shrunk has his BFF that holds onto him the whole time and is very happy when he’s full size again. And there’s the one who gets his head in a jar in the 2nd movie, and wears the jar the whole rest of the movie.

Also, they're fun to draw!Not to mention the fact that they react to kidnapping by building a bar and serving drinks on their little desert island.

They also speak their own language! And how cute is it when they sing familiar songs in Minion-ese. There’s not much of that in the first one, but there’s more in the sequel starting with the Banana song preview. Boyband mockery! YMCA! And of course the giant off-hours ice cream party complete with a drinking song. Everything is just funnier in Minion-ese.

In conclusion, Minions are awesome and fun to draw. Also, despicable.

*okay, maybe that’s just me and other people’s kids

Mycroft's Minions

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