Archive for the ‘Abstract and Just Plain Weird’ Category
A Circle in Time
Tuesday, October 19th, 2010
Insomnia brings art experiments! I had a ton of trouble sleeping last week, and around 3am one night I got bored with sitting around in bed and started wandering around the apartment, looking for things to do.
I had put this quote on the white board, plucked from the Storm Constantine book I was re-reading:
“A circle in time; we begin again.”
So I picked out one of the little pre-torn squares of soft, thick watercolor paper I had left from my printmaking days, pulled out a pan of Japanese watercolors, a brush, and a matching blue fountain pen, and this was the result. I waited until the watercolors were mostly dry — but not fully — before writing in the quote, so it blurred and became as much image as text.
A Circle in Time, 5″x5″ watercolor with pen and ink on Arches cover white paper.
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: blue, for sale, pen and ink, watercolor
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The Tree Breathes
Thursday, October 14th, 2010
This is another one-of-a-kind print done using my tiny etching plates. I almost forgot completely about it, ironically because it’s framed from having been in a juried show once long ago. I gently pulled it out of its matte, and then used more archival corners to re-attach it to the matte after I scanned it, and then put the whole thing back in its frame.
I think the tiny tree is my favorite of all the tiny plates I made, though I only used it (or any of them) a few times.
The Tree Breathes, 1″x2″ etching on 8″x10″ watercolor paper, $499 framed with free shipping.
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Series and Books
Tags: etching, for sale, framed, intaglio, tiny plates, tree
Monday, October 4th, 2010
This is another print that combines tiny etching plates with double-inking to make a unique print. The 3 images in the middle column were all inked once, wiped clean,a nd then inked carefully a second time to give them a duochrome look, while the two plates to the left and right were inked just once in the same pure colors that are used on the others. Really there’s four colors present: blue, yellow, red and black, very primary.
Each plate has its own symbolism that, when combined with the others, invites the viewer to construct their own narrative. Do your eyes start in the golden sand dunes, or up with the floating cruciform figure? Do you puzzle out the dancer on the left first, or the ankh on the right? The central image is completely abstract, drawing the imagination to fill in why it’s surrounded by these other, smaller satellite images.
Symbols, 10″x10″ etching and monoprint on watercolor paper, $399 with free shipping.
Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Series and Books
Tags: ankh, crucifix, etching, for sale, intaglio, tiny plates
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