Archive for the ‘Completed Commissions’ Category
Cartoon: Heidi Dobbs
Friday, August 27th, 2010
Friday brings us one more new cartoon, the lovely Heidi Dobbs! We had fun with color on her cartoon in a different way than Linda’s — we made her clothes a quiet black but she had me give her the fiery hair she wishes she could have! We also took her dog’s favorite snuggly chair and made it a nice robin’s egg blue, a color that wouldn’t stand up to the dog in real life, but makes a wonderful backdrop to her awesome locks in her cartoon.
Thanks for coming along on my week of cartoons! This weekend I’ll post a few people that aren’t new, but haven’t been up on this site before.
Remember, if you want to be a Cartoon, it’s just $79! My list of cartoons-to-be is filling up wonderfully, and I’m always excited to get a new cartoon client in the queue.
Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
Tags: all rights reserved, cartoon, copic marker, Heidi Dobbs, pen and ink
Cartoon: Linda Esposito, version 2
Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
When Linda and I talked about colors for her cartoons, she asked for greens and olives to match her website, but she added a little postscript saying that if she had her way, it’d be eggplant and tangerine! So I suggested we do one of each, since she’d already decided to keep both.
I had this great light orange marker that made the couch surprisingly warm and inviting, especially when we added the rusty orange and blood red pillows, but managed to be subdued enough not to overwhelm the figure entirely. I gave it nice dark wood to frame it, and then Linda herself got to wear the deep purpley-blue that was as close as I had to a proper eggplant.
All in all, though it’s the same person, her first cartoon will serve her well on her website and in a more professional capacity, while this one gives her something fun and unexpected that still has ‘her’ written all over it.
Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
Tags: all rights reserved, cartoon, copic marker, Linda Esposito, pen and ink
Cartoon: Linda Esposito, version 1
Monday, August 23rd, 2010
When the wonderful Linda Esposito of Talk Therapy Biz took me up on getting herself turned into a cartoon, I’m pretty sure she didn’t expect to get two! The one she asked for was the one above, something in greens and browns with a professional feel to it to complement her site. When I was actually doing her sketch, I couldn’t find her email at first with the pose request, so I doodled up an entirely different cartoon of her (I’ll post that one tomorrow) before digging up the “right” pose.
I couldn’t resist showing her both ideas, though, and I was thrilled when she decided to get cartooned twice! She’s been wonderfully patient with this summer’s mad delays, and I’m really happy that she’s finally got her cartoons to show for it.
Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
Tags: all rights reserved, cartoon, copic marker, Linda Esposito, pen and ink
Meet Wendy’s Monster, Ruby
Friday, July 2nd, 2010
As an offshoot of my Be a Cartoon service, I offered 3 spots to people who wanted me to draw their Monsters — those internal naysayers who do their best to keep us safe through discouragement, disparaging and criticism.
When Wendy Cholbi (tech mermaid!) emailed me about her Monster, she wanted to see one that she’d already met, Ruby, her Inner Bodyguard. Wendy explains:
I first got to know her (well, I’ve known her all my life, but in that shadowy background kind of way) at last summer’s Writer’s Retreat with Jen Louden — Jen had us do an exercise where we interviewed our Inner Critic, and who should pop up but this totally badass lizard-mama, basically telling me to back the fuck off. Once she realized I was honestly curious, she let me in how important her job (personal security for me, of course) is. It’s been really awesome getting to know her, and when Havi’s Monster Coloring Book came out, I knew Ruby deserved her very own page.
Ruby’s a big Butch Biker Bitch whose bruise-purple skin represents Wendy’s tender inner self, which Ruby tries to protect by keeping everything away. She’s like the over-enthusiastic bodyguard that puts the pizza boy in a headlock when he tries to hand you a pen for the credit card receipt — she means well, but she’s left poor Wendy kind of lonely in this exclusive club of which she’s guarding the door, because no one is allowed in. So she has a bit of the ballbuster-with-a-heart-of-molten-gold (only she’d NEVER admit to having a heart of ANY kind. Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?).
I have one Monster left out of the set, I should probably go prod a certain someone to approve her inks so I can get coloring. If you want to be a cartoon yourself, it’s only $79 — I have 3 people in my queue right now, but I’m always happy to make room for more!
Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Completed Commissions, Daily Art, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: all rights reserved, cartoon, commission, copic marker, monster, nfs, pen and ink, Wendy Cholbi
Bonus Cartoon! Chris Anthony
Thursday, June 17th, 2010
Apparently I completely forgot to make an art post yesterday, oops! Busy Amy is busy, but at least I got banana bread made before the bananas got too ripe, which made an excellent breakfast.
A few months back I had a chance to turn Chris Anthony of Etherjammer into a cartoon, and I never did post it here, so I thought I’d put it up today as bonus art (yes, this means today’s real art post will follow). His cartoon was especially fun because of the challenge of drawing a weeble with facial hair — interesting placing a mustache on someone with no nose!
If you want to be a cartoon, I’d love to draw you!
Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
Tags: all rights reserved, cartoon, Chris Anthony, commission, copic marker, nfs, pen and ink
Fabeku Fatunmise – Cartoon!
Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Fabeku Fatunmise is one of my favorite people on Twitter, he’s just full of good cheer and awesomeness. I’ve downloaded his non-sucky free stuff and really enjoyed it, so when he told me he wanted to be a cartoon, I was all over it! I even traded him part of his fee for another of his downloads, which I love as much as the first one.
Fabeku wanted a weeble, and he asked for his prop to be one of his drums, which he sent me a photo of for reference. A link to the Ramones t-shirt and the shoes, and we were in business. I sketched him up, and after a few changes I inked and we talked about colors (for the record, he’s “pinky medium white guy” colored), and then, result!
I have absolutely no idea how the ninja got in there, though.
Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Things I'm a Fan Of, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: all rights reserved, cartoon, commission, copic marker, fabeku, nfs, pen and ink, weeble
Commission: Snape & Harry
Saturday, June 5th, 2010
My good friend Delta commissioned this in lieu of a cartoon during my art sale last month. She asked for a quiet moment of reconciliation between her two favorite wizards, a bit of fan art to add to her collection. I had fun with it; though Harry’s coy over-the-shoulder glance came out a bit awkward, I like to think it adds to the overall feel of the piece. After all, nothing ever goes quite smoothly between these two in the books, either.
Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: all rights reserved, commission, copic marker, nfs, pen and ink, snarry
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