Archive for the ‘Daily Art’ Category
Tuesday, April 16th, 2013
Tentacles for your Tuesday! About a week and a half ago, I posted a picture of some washes on Instagram, the sort of thing I paint when I don’t know what I want to paint but I’m sure they’ll come in handy someday. The first of them acquired a squid last week, drawn in scribbly pen and then shaded with water to smear out the ink. I used basic black for most of it, but added a bit of apricot for the eye and warm brown on the ship’s planks.
Shipwreck, 6″x4″ pen & ink and watercolor on Fluid watercolor paper.
Above, you can get a good view of his wicked beak, suckered arms and baleful yellow glare. Below, you can see him in a frame, hanging out with his friend from Ikea.
Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Tentacles
Tags: look out rawr, nfs, pen and ink, sold, squid, tentacles, watercolor
Angry Hedgehog
Monday, April 15th, 2013
This hedgehog is very annoyed to have been disturbed, with a serious sulk going on as he’s curled into his little ball. He was painted with a very limited palette and bold, expressionist strokes, so he’s a bit of an experiment for me, but one I’m very happy with! I offered a little preview of him to my list and one of my lovely patrons snapped him up, so he’ll be going to a good home, too.
Angry Hedgehog, 6″x6″ watercolor on paper, nfs (sold).
Above, you can see his pouty lip and little pink toes peeking out of his quills. Below, he’s been tucked into a temporary frame, so you can see how the iridescent paint blends into the rest of him when it’s not catching the light.
Categories: Daily Art, Whimsical and Strange
Tags: hedgehog, iridescent, nfs, sold, watercolor, watson
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Sunday Round-Up & This Bit’s John’s
Sunday, April 14th, 2013
It was a busy week! Monday the Lucky Squid wished you all the best, and Tuesday there were more tentacles. Wednesday I showed off the book that had my art on the cover. Friday John wished you might get well, and Saturday we wished you might at least get off Facebook for a minute.
This little sketch is courtesy of my big package of art, prints & cards that went to my wonderful patron in another time zone, which will hopefully arrive very soon indeed. You can see that I’m not nearly as neat when I don’t sketch before I ink, hah.
Categories: Daily Art, Sunday Round-Up
Tags: nfs, sharpie marker, sherlock
Face not Facebook
Saturday, April 13th, 2013
When I made my Instagram missing you card art, I also wanted to make one for FB, so I got out my blandest blue marker and drew up this little character of indeterminate gender. If they never leave their desk or log out of Facebook, it doesn’t really matter anyway, does it?
You can get him on a greeting card here at Etsy, and send him to all those friends and relatives you “like” but would like to see in person, too.
Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
Tags: copic marker, etsy, facebook, pen & ink
Get Well, Watson
Friday, April 12th, 2013
While working on The Death of Me, Too, I was thinking about making a Sherlock-themed Get Well card for my Etsy shop, and this is the result. Poor pale John is looking a bit careworn, with dark circles under his eyes and the otter next to him for comfort. Fortunately we know how the story ends, and that he survives Sherlock’s version of “care” just fine.
Get Well, Watson, 7″x5″ pen & ink and Copic marker on paper, nfs (sold).
Above, you can see the blue smudges under John’s distressed little eyes, and his otter plushie disavowing all knowledge of what’s going on. Below, he’s hidden himself in a frame, hoping Sherlock won’t find him until he’s well again.
Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
Tags: copic marker, etsy, john watson, nfs, pen and ink, sherlock, sherlock bbc, sherlock holmes, sold
Licensing: Ear to the Wall
Wednesday, April 10th, 2013
It was over 2 years ago that I posted my Victorian Wallpaper design, with all its scribbly whimsy. Recently Google brought the post to Jason from Ampersand Books, and he wrote to me asking to use the art for the cover & interior of one of their little poetry chapbooks. They went with a gorgeously intense (and hard to photograph!) red and blue for the cover, with faded greys inside and pure black and white in the inside covers.
I haven’t had time to read any of the poetry yet, but the book itself is very cool looking, in my totally biased opinion. Sherlock seems to find the titles intriguing, anyway!
Above you can see the rich color and linen texture of the printed cover art, with my tiny skulls still just visible in the design. You can get your own copy of Ear to the Wall by Carrie Causey here at Ampersand Books.
If you find yourself interested in licensing any of my work for commercial use, feel free to contact me here.
Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, Words Words Words
Tags: all rights reserved, licensing, words
Tentacle Deeps 47
Tuesday, April 9th, 2013
The tentacles are back, and it’s even Tuesday! This piece started with the crosshatched background in black Sharpie marker, and then watercolor in layers on top of it. The tentacles themselves are thickly scribbled on, so the iridescent paint has a bit of texture to it where it floats atop the watery teal wash.
Tentacle Deeps 47, 8″x8″ iridescent watercolor and Sharpie marker on Fluid watercolor paper.
Above, you can see the sunlight reflecting purple off the iridescent tentacles, and the metallic golden bubbles floating serenely nearby. Below, you can see the piece in a frame on my wall, though without the helpful iPhone which for some reason doesn’t yet come with an anti-gravity feature.
Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Series and Books, Tentacles
Tags: crosshatching, for sale, iridescent, sharpie, teal, tentacle deeps, tentacles, watercolor
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