Archive for the ‘People, Figures and Faces’ Category

Weeble Wednesday: Bride of the Mummy

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Bride of the Mummy by Amy Crook

Bride of the Mummy by Amy Crook

This poor lady was stuck as inks for many weeks, waiting for me to get a refill on my colorless blender so I could properly fade the wear and tear on her bandages. I had fun making her as a counterpart to the Mummy, especially since I gave them opposite eyes freed of bandages.

She’s one of the bonus brides from my Monster Heart Coloring Book, of course, and I have just one illustration left to color before those are all done.

Bride of the Mummy, 5″x7″ pen and ink and Copic markers on watercolor paper. $89 with free shipping.

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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Weeble Wednesday: Brides of Dracula

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

Brides of Dracula by Amy Crook

Brides of Dracula by Amy Crook

Now that I’ve got my super-pale-skin marker refilled, I’ve finally started coloring the bonus brides from my Monster Heart Coloring Book. These toothy gals are inspired by the many movie depictions of the three brides that I’ve seen, and some judicious image googling to figure out what styles would have been appropriate for the era, for 50 or 100 years before. I liked the idea that they might still dress in the fashion of their own times, and that each one had been born in a different era.

Brides of Dracula, 7″x5″ pen and ink and Copic markers on watercolor paper. $89, with free shipping.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Whimsical and Strange, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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Yarr! Bonus Michael

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Yarr! Bonus Michael by Amy Crook

Yarr! Bonus Michael by Amy Crook

I turned Michael into a cartoon a while back, and since he’s been a completely awesome programmer for me, I couldn’t resist tossing this little 10-minute bonus doodle into his package. I’m reliably informed he doesn’t actually have a wooden leg, he just wanted his avatar to be more piratey.

And really, who wouldn’t want to be more piratey? Well, aside from Ninjas…

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Weeble Wednesday: Kristine Beeson

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

Kristine Beeson Cartoon by Amy Crook

Kristine Beeson Cartoon by Amy Crook

Kristine Beeson, also known as kadyellebee on Etsy, is a wonderful knitter of shawls and other lovely things. When our paths crossed and she expressed a wistful interest in being made into a Cartoon, I took the opportunity to offer her barter — a shawl for a cartoon! She helped me choose the perfect yarn (a warm, lightweight blackberry-colored cotton), and got right to work so I’d have my shawl while winter was still upon us. I was a bit slower, but I’ve finally finished up her cartoon (alas, I was waiting on marker refills).

She sent me some great photos of herself and her cheeky grin, not to mention her favorite outfit, and despite a bit of a struggle to get my scanner to accept the idea of hot pink, this is a pretty good representation of her and her gorgeous pink-striped hair. She asked for her ubiquitous iPhone, but I couldn’t resist slipping some pink knitting needles into the image, as well.

The pattern she knitted for me is called wren, and you can see her very own wren shawl on her cartoon above, in a soft mossy green that goes great with her eyes. Mine’s a dark purple that’s not quite black, but looks great where it lives on my blue chair, waiting for me to get cold while I’m working. It’s just light enough for me to forget I’m wearing it, but it keeps the cold off my aching shoulders.

Wren Shawl by Kristine Beeson

Wren Shawl by Kristine Beeson

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces
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Church of the Mind

Saturday, March 19th, 2011

Church of the Mind by Amy Crook

Church of the Mind by Amy Crook

When I originally drew this, I had considered coloring the stained glass window, but I found the image so striking in black and white I left it.

A few astute people among you might recognize the model as one I’ve used a few times before, though the stark chiaroscuro led to his face being obscured. If you click to see the larger view, you can just make out the subtle skull shadowing the figure’s face.

There’s some sort of statement in the juxtaposition of images, but I’ll leave it up to you to decide what.

Church of the Mind, 12″x18″ brush and ink on paper, $599 with free shipping.

This image is on paper, and will require matting or framing to be suitable for display; I’m happy to frame it for you for a small additional fee.

Categories: Daily Art, Nudes and Other Sexy Things, People, Figures and Faces
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Weeble Wednesday: Michael Beckwith

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

Michael Beckwith cartoon by Amy Crook

Michael Beckwith cartoon by Amy Crook

I’m back to cartooning! I’ve finally gotten the marker refills I was waiting on, and so the first of the new weebles is my code monkey. Michael Beckwith does a lot of the programming for my client sites (and this one, too!), learning all the ins and outs of WordPress development so I don’t have to.

When he asked to be a cartoon, I couldn’t resist adding a few extras — he wanted the piratical wooden leg and crutch for his props, so I also gave him the little pirate hat, and added the monkey on his t-shirt. He doesn’t actually have a wooden leg that I know of, but he’s definitely on the Pirate side of the war against the Ninjas, so that’s good enough for me.

Click here to find out how you can be a cartoon, too.

“Becoming a cartoon was surprisingly painless. A few questions, a picture,
and some patience, and soon enough I was a whole new man. Or, well, cartoon.”

-Michael Beckwith

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Whimsical and Strange
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Los Muertos 1

Monday, March 14th, 2011

Los Muertos 1 by Amy Crook

Los Muertos 1 by Amy Crook

This piece was born out of pure play. I first brushed in a spiral in watery black ink, and then I watered the ink down even further to make lighter and lighter greys to play with. I also added in a tiny bit of color here and there, which is almost completely obscured by the later crosshatching. Then I used a green fountain pen to crosshatch around the main shape, starting while the paper was wet and letting it dry as I worked, so some of the lines are more blurred than others.

Then I wet down the central area all over again and used a black pen to ink there, and when I was done, the whole thing reminded me of one of those elaborately decorated Day of the Dead skulls. I got my dark red fountain pen (which the scanner decided was rather more magenta than the real thing) and drew spiral eyes, and then signed the piece using that red as well.

The end effect is rather creepy, but as I’m fond of creepy, that works out well.

Los Muertos 1, 5″x7″ pen and ink and watercolor on watercolor paper.

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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