Posts Tagged ‘sold’

Bilbo and Smaug Bookmark 1

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

Bilbo & Smaug Bookmark 1 by Amy Crook

Bilbo & Smaug Bookmark 1 by Amy Crook

This is the other bookmark that someone already claimed, a wee tiny Hobbit looking quite distressed indeed to be confronted with a dragon. Smaug, on the other hand, looks highly amused by his discovery. I’m definitely going to do some more art for The Hobbit as well, I want to draw some dwarves.

Things will be back to normal tomorrow with another moon for Monday, so I hope you enjoyed this Bookmark Week and picked up one for yourself or a friend!

Bilbo & Smaug Bookmark 1, 7″x1.5″ pen & ink on cardstock, nfs (sold).

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Weeping Angel Bookmark

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

Weeping Angel Bookmark by Amy Crook

Weeping Angel
by Amy Crook

This Weeping Angel crept into someone’s heart when they got my newsletter last week, and so it’s already been snapped up. But never fear, I’m sure I’ll draw another of these creepy creatures again soon, and I’ve already got some more Doctor Who art in the pipeline.

Just remember, don’t look away. Don’t even blink.

Weeping Angel Bookmark, 1.5″x6.5″ pen & ink on cardstock, nfs (sold).

Weeping Angel Bookmark, detail, by Amy Crook

Weeping Angel Bookmark, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see its seemingly peaceful face up close. Below, it’s sitting on a book, just daring me to look away.

Weeping Angel Bookmark, with book, by Amy Crook

Weeping Angel Bookmark, with book, by Amy Crook


Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Purple Pattern Bookmark

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Purple Pattern Bookmark by Amy Crook

Purple Pattern
by Amy Crook

This wee bookmark is the same size as yesterday’s, but with a very different subject. This time I started with Sharpie to doodle in skulls and curlicues, and then I took a purple ink pen and drew in the long lines. This one’s drawn on the shiny side of a scrap of comic backing board, so I took my finger and smeared the purple ink, giving a lovely mottled texture while the actual drawn lines still remained visible.

Purple Pattern Bookmark, 1″x4″ pen & ink and Sharpie marker on cardstock, nfs (sold).

Purple Pattern Bookmark, detail, by Amy Crook

Purple Pattern Bookmark, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the bookmark up close, including a little bit of sunshine off the shiny Sharpie and scored-in purple pen lines near the top. Below, you can see it hanging bravely with the big green book, evoking the ’80s.

Purple Pattern Bookmark, with book, by Amy Crook

Purple Pattern Bookmark, with book, by Amy Crook
(book not included, it clashes)

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, Series and Books, Zombies, Skulls, and Other Morbid Things
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Dresden Bookmark 2

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Harry Dresden bookmark by Amy Crook

Harry Dresden bookmark
by Amy Crook

After I posted the other Dresden bookmark I’d done as a gift for a friend, one of my regular patrons gave me puppy eyes asking to do one for her, too. I’m working my way up to another Bookmark Week, so I drew this up for her the other day. It’s already sold, but the ones I post in a few weeks will be available to those without puppy-eye privileges.

If you want to be first on the list to see which ones are coming out, you can join my mailing list here.

Dresden Bookmark 2, 2″x7″ pen & ink and Copic marker on cardstock, nfs (sold).

Dresden Files bookmark, detail, by Amy Crook

Dresden Files bookmark, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see a close-up of Dresden’s sheepish little face, like, “Oh hey didn’t see you there.” Below, you can see him hanging out with my copy of Cold Days.

Dresden Files bookmark, with book, by Amy Crook

Dresden Files bookmark, with book, by Amy Crook

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Hedgehog & Otter Adventures

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

Floating Along, dorky fan art by Amy Crook

Floating Along, dorky fan art by Amy Crook

If you’re on Tumblr or in my brain you’ll understand completely when I say this is actually Harry Potter/Sherlock crossover fan art with Animagus forms.

If you’re not, then look at the adorable otter and hedgehog. They’re floating! They’re friends!

There is, of course, the nap after to be considered as well. Those involved in the aforementioned fannish telepathy will know exactly which scarf is whose and why.

InterHouse Naptime, dorky fan art by Amy Crook

InterHouse Naptime, dorky fan art by Amy Crook

Categories: Completed Commissions, Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Sunrise Crows

Monday, January 21st, 2013

Sunrise Crows by Amy Crook

Sunrise Crows by Amy Crook

The colors of this sunrise will seem familiar from Friday’s post, I hope, with gentler clouds and the birds to bring it out of abstraction. There’s still shimmery spirals in blues and golds, but they’re softer, fluffy clouds instead of stormy ones. The three birds are flying along not really in formation but just hanging out, the sunlight shining on and through their feathers, making them almost ghostly in the morning light.

Sunrise Crows, 7″x5″ watercolor on paper, nfs (sold).

Sunrise Crows, detail, by Amy Crook

Sunrise Crows, detail, by Amy Crook

Above, you can see the sunlight glimmering off the iridescent paint, and the tiny feathery details in the middle crow. The golden clouds get hints of rose and orange, while the blue ones go softly aquamarine. Below, you can see the piece hanging out on my writing desk in a frame, waiting to fly off to their new home.

Sunrise Crows, framed art by Amy Crook

Sunrise Crows, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Sea Creatures and Other Animals, Series and Books
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Halloweentown Holmes

Saturday, January 19th, 2013

Halloweentown Holmes by Amy Crook

Halloweentown Holmes by Amy Crook

I saw someone posting about Sherlock and Mycroft being originally from Halloweentown in the Nightmare Before Christmas universe, with an older, skeletal brother Sherrinford. I couldn’t resist drawing it up with just a bit of my own silly style added in!

Sherlock’s even dead. Well, undead. Well, you know, Halloweentown. I just couldn’t resist the urge to draw them, given how much my cartooning style owes to Jack Skellington. Sherrinford’s even got a bat for his cravat.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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