Archive for the ‘Daily Art’ Category

Violet Way

Monday, March 12th, 2012

Violet Way, abstract art by Amy Crook

Violet Way, abstract art by Amy Crook

This is a larger piece like Golden Moon, done with the same black paper. This time I used a pearlescent violet paint and created a swath of larger stars, then filled in with smaller, salt-free spirals to give a feeling of clustered stars, like looking up at the Milky Way. This paint looks white from some angles and a lovely pale violet from others; the scanner picks up the violets pretty well, so for once I think the colors are pretty accurate.

Violet Way, 10″x8″ iridescent Japanese watercolor and salt on Arches cover black paper.

Like most of my salt paintings, this one started in the spirit of experimentation. I just bought some new watercolors from Japantown (along with ALL the pens), and I wanted to see how they’d work with the salt. techniques. I made a special effort to mix extra paint into the water droplets after they were on the paper, and you can see how it looked while I was working on it below.

Violet Way, work in progress by Amy Crook

Violet Way, work in progress, detail 1, by Amy Crook

You can see one freshly-painted spiral at the bottom, and then the water droplet just above that and to the left is opaque with swirled paint. It settled out after a while, as you can see in the droplets further away, but the salt pools have a definite coating of iridescent paint you can see in the next photo.

Violet Way, work in progress, detail 2, by Amy Crook

Violet Way, work in progress, detail 2, by Amy Crook

Below you can see a more oblique shot of one tiny detail in the finished piece, one single pool of salt surrounded by the little echoing spirals. I really love the way you can see each individual salt crystal, especially if you click through to the larger version of the image.

Violet Way, detail, by Amy Crook

Violet Way, detail, by Amy Crook

I’ve also made a computer wallpaper, should you like to splash my artificial stars across your computer screen. Finally, you can see it in its frame below, attempting to turn itself into a mirror. Glass reflects, who knew?

Violet Way, framed art by Amy Crook

Violet Way, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Daily Art, Flowers, Trees and Landscapes, Free Wallpapers
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Tea Mug sketch

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Tea Mug, sketch by Amy Crook

Tea Mug, sketch by Amy Crook

This little sketch christened my new pocket sketchbook! I drink my tea super cream-and-sugary (mmm half’n’half), so the white at the bottom is actually my drink. I didn’t let myself spend too long fussing over perspective or shading, so it’s got a funky slant I quite enjoy.

Have a cup on me this Sunday — what’s your favorite sort?

Categories: Daily Art
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Sherlock in Grey

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

Sherlock in Grey by Amy Crook

Sherlock in Grey
by Amy Crook

I wanted a tall, thin piece of Sherlock art to put on my giveaway bookmarks for my Etsy shop (sometimes I slip them into the larger orders as a freebie), and nothing I already had quite fit the bill. So, I drew this guy! He’s done with one of my nifty Japanese brush pens that’s black on one side and grey on the other — I’m always using up the black and leaving a ton of grey, so sometimes pieces like this can help me use up some of the extra. I self-indulgently drew in his red buttonhole, though I’m not sure anyone but me will notice it when it’s printed out half the size.

I also used him on my Sherlock gift tags, complete with characteristic sarcasm.

Sherlock in Grey, 5.5″x8.5″ pen and ink on paper.

Categories: Daily Art, People, Figures and Faces, Series and Books, Things I'm a Fan Of
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Positive Space

Friday, March 9th, 2012

Positive Space, abstract art by Amy Crook

Positive Space, abstract art by Amy Crook, $333

The inverse (and slightly smaller) companion to yesterday’s piece, Positive Space uses coppery paint and copper-colored glitter gel pen on black paper to create a halo of light around the spiral “stars.” I had actually created the salt pools on this one at the same time I did Monday’s Moonglow. I have two little pots of iridescent paint I got as samples, and I tend to use them on pieces at the same time, though rarely the same piece.

I liked the effect of Negative Space so much, however, that I took this work in progress and used the same technique to make a not-quite-mirror image. I like that they’re not exactly the same — the halos on this one tend to be bigger and scatter wider, and of course they’re different sizes. A bit like last week’s Spirals Trio, thematically linked but not matchy-matchy.

Positive Space, 5″x5″ mixed media on paper, $333 framed, with free shipping.

Randomly, if you ever get frustrated with the term “mixed media,” just check out the tags at the bottom of the post. I try to list all the media I’ve mixed down there.

Positive Space, detail, by Amy Crook - ooooohshiny

Positive Space, detail, by Amy Crook

The sunlight reflects beautifully off the copper-toned salt, ink and paint in the detail photo, above. Below, you can see the painting with my iPhone for scale. To see it beside its friend, check out yesterday’s post.

Positive Space, framed art by Amy Crook

Positive Space, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, Series and Books
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Negative Space

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

Negative Space, abstract art by Amy Crook

Negative Space, abstract art by Amy Crook, $333

I was messing about with some blue paints, trying to get them to impregnate the salt crystals better (heh), and I ended up with these 9 scattered blue pools in manganese blue hue (aka not-actually-manganese blue because real manganese blue pigment will kill you). I have a glitter gel pen in a complementary color, and I just started doodling with it around one of the pools. I’d just done a piece where the lines radiated outward (that you’ll see next week, I never said I posted them in the order I made them), and so I did a different sort of radiation.

I used to use this pattern to create a halo of sunlight against a darker blue sky, so the title came from the feeling that these were dark stars floating in a white sky somehow, radiating their negative light. I liked the idea so much I made a piece with copper on black paper, which you’ll get to see tomorrow.

Negative Space, 5″x7″ mixed media on paper, $333 with free shipping.

Negative Space, detail, by Amy Crook

Negative Space, detail, by Amy Crook

Above you can see a close-up of the glittery gel ink and the sparkling salt pools taken in the sunlight. Below, you can see it in its frame with tomorrow’s art. I’m thinking of switching it out for a white frame to complete the contrast, we’ll see.

Negative Space and Positive Space, framed art by Amy Crook

Negative Space and Positive Space, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Abstract and Just Plain Weird, Daily Art, Series and Books
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Salt and Watercolor

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

From Visual to Physical Texture

Tentacle Deeps 9 by Amy Crook

Tentacle Deeps 9

I’ve seen a lot of artists who explore the same idea over and over, and I never thought I’d find anything I was interested in enough to stick with myself. I was all over the map, artistically, doing everything from bronze sculpture to oil painting, acquiring new materials like some people buy shoes (you know who you are).

Well, I’ve proven myself wrong! As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been using the salt-and-watercolor technique for going on a year now, and creating a body of contemporary artwork that I’m totally in love with. The ability to create beautiful art out of something as mundane as salt just amazes me.

Today’s Words post is the short version of How it Happened.*

Burning Planet by Amy Crook

Burning Planet

Lots of people use salt to create texture in watercolor or silk paintings, so I decided to teach myself how. You can see a traditional use of the technique in Tentacle Deeps 9. I sprinkled salt onto the damp watercolor paint, and the salt drew the paint to it, creating the flower-like shapes in the background and the texture on the tentacles.

I experimented with just how damp the paint needed to be to get the effect I wanted. In Burning Planet, the paint was actually too wet, and the salt partially dissolved into the paint. As it dried, the salt re-crystallized with the darker red and orange pigments trapped inside — the crystals even sparkle in the sunlight. I was fascinated.

Water Lilies 1 by Amy Crook

Water Lilies 1

With Water Lilies 1, I continued to play around trying to make bigger crystals. The turquoise ink dilutes to a lovely pale blue which is sadly fugitive (the color fades in strong sunlight, and eventually the flowers will be totally white). This was the first time I tried the eyedropper technique I’ve been perfecting ever since, and I fell in love with the strange little pools of salt that formed. They’re a little fragile, but they add a 3D quality to the paintings that’s just plain cool.

I’m a big fan of entropy and randomness (except when it comes to housework, bleh), especially when I can control the parameters.

Rain Crow, detail, by Amy Crook

Rain Crow, detail

I always enjoy the way purple hair dye fades, first the blues and then the reds, going from deep purple to a light reddish-brown over a few months. I like board games where there’s an element of chance to throw a wrench in your strategy, like die rolls or card draws. This salt-and-watercolor technique is like that, too.

For instance, on Rain Crow I got the coolest effect where a crow-shaped tower of salt grew right up out of the crow’s eye, entirely by chance.

Jellyfish Deeps by Amy Crook

Jellyfish Deeps

I’ve tried a bunch of different things with it since then.

For Salted Squid 1, I made a squid-shaped puddle of salt, ink and water, which dried as an even coat of crystals rather than in the cup shape I get from the single droplets.

Something about the paper I used for Modern Snow creates gorgeous snowflakes, an effect I haven’t been able to duplicate with any other paper.

In Jellyfish Deeps, the water refused to bead up and instead made strange-shaped, shallow pools on top of the watercolor wash.

Modern Snow by Amy Crook

Modern Snow

I’ve even used a naturally black paper to create pieces like Moon Dark, which makes the salt crystals stand out pale and stark against the page.

I’ve also made a couple of bookmarks, and I used my Horizon Bookmark to read a book just to make sure it would stand up to the abuse.

My newest toys are iridescent paint and sparkly gel ink pens, and you’ll see them featured in all three of the painting posts this week (Monday, Thurs. & Fri.). I don’t know how long this “salt phase” will last, but I’m looking forward to finding out!

*If you’ve read the Star Trek book that’s a reference to, I love you, fellow nerd. Live long and prosper!

PS – If you click on the salt tag below, you can see every salt painting I’ve posted (as long as I remembered to tag it).

Moon Dark by Amy Crook

Moon Dark

Salted Squid by Amy Crook

Salted Squid

Categories: Daily Art, Words Words Words
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Tentacle Deeps 28

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

Tentacle Deeps 28 by Amy Crook

Tentacle Deeps 28 by Amy Crook

You can’t have these tentacles, they’re sold! A friend of mine came over to hang out, asked if he could peek in the Big Drawer of Art, and went home with this piece (he left a check behind, yay!).

This paper is interesting, it’s not really meant for watercolors, I don’t think. It’s very absorbent, almost too much so, and it buckles quite a bit when it’s wet. On the other hand, the interesting particulates in the paper shine through the watercolor, giving an impression of distant lights, whether stars or some underwater bioluminescence isn’t clear. I liked the effect so much I started another one in a different shade of blue.

It’s also bigger than my usual tentacles. I’ve been trying to vary my paper sizes more lately (though 5″x7″ is still the dominant size), so I tore this paper down to two 8″x10″ pieces. I guess sometimes size does matter.

Tentacle Deeps 28, 8″x10″ watercolor on paper, nfs (sold).

Tentacle Deeps 28, detail, by Amy Crook

Tentacle Deeps 28, detail, by Amy Crook

Nifty shot of tentacles is nifty. Here, have a wallpaper. Below, you can see the tentacles in my frame with my iPhone, though my friend took the original home all naked to put in a frame he already had. Big tentacles are big!

Tentacle Deeps 28, framed art by Amy Crook

Tentacle Deeps 28, framed art by Amy Crook

Categories: Angels, Cthulhu, and Other Myths, Daily Art, Free Wallpapers, Series and Books, Tentacles
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