Archive for the ‘Sea Creatures and Other Animals’ Category


Sunday, October 11th, 2009

Winchester by Amy Crook

Winchester by Amy Crook

Years ago I painted a Great White shark, Bruce Fandango, as a wedding present for my good friends Jeff and Dawn. When I met Kim and found out she loved sharks, I immediately thought to show her Bruce. The end result (after a bit of pouting that he wasn’t available for sale) was that she commissioned a second, smaller shark of her very own.

It took me several years to actually get this shark painted; I had the background done and it gathered dust waiting for me to get my act together. After I moved back across the country from poor Kim, however, I had another person back east commission a painting (Gretchen’s awesome squid, Nugget), and so I finished them in tandem so that they could get shipped in one big flat box.

I managed to time the delivery so that I could see her face when we surprised her with the finished product, and I have to say, all the delay was totally worth it. I’m told he still harbors a place of honour on their living room wall!

20″x24″, oil on canvas, NFS

Read on to get a glimpse into the painting process…


Categories: Daily Art, Sea Creatures and Other Animals
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